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Jin's POV {few days later}

I woke up early today and decided to make breakfast for everyone. As they all work hard on their career and also on Searching Se Hee. It was 5 in the morning and I got up and saw both my wife and my daughter sleeping peacefully. I placed a small kiss on their forehead and went to take shower. After taking shower I got ready and went to the kitchen. I started making breakfast. After 1hr the food is finally ready. As soon as I turned I saw my wife. I said "jagiya good morning" and she said the same. She said "Today you made food for us?" I smiled and said "Yup. I should give my wife some free time too" she smiled and said "You are the best".

I said " I'm not a good brother but" she then said "If you aren't a good brother then why are you searching for your sister?" I said "Because I want her to be with us". She said "Exactly. You guys need her, you couldn't stay by her side it isn't your mistake. You guys were too young to understand".

Listening  to her I nodded and then not even a fraction of second passed I pressed my lips again hers. I needed a bit of comfort. She understood and that's one of the reasons why I love her. She also started to respond. After kissing for few minutes we parted away as there was lack of oxygen. {A/N:-I don't wanna add smut so yeah only seens like this will be there :)}

Then everyone gradually came to the dining room as it was time to leave for work. Everyone were amazed as I cooked after almost 4 years, As my wife used to prepare food.

All sat in their own seat and jungkook said "Hyung you made all these" i nodded. Then the 2 maknae twins said "It will be tasty for sure hehe" then my wife glared at the 2 and said "So you wanna say my cooking is not good" they both said "Ah no-no Noona your cooking is good" they both shut their mouths as they don't want their ears to get pulled.

Yeah my wife is the one who keeps the maknae line on track. Or else this house wouldn't be less than a fish market.

We all ate our food and I said "Jimin and tae" they looked at me and I continued "There's no need of following them from today" they said "Okay hyung" as I am going to invite her for the party, and also many more CEOs of different companies which means Jackson also is a part.

•~Time skip~•

I went to her office. It was already 8. I saw her walking to her cabinet. Woah she is punctual to her office. Whenever I see her a queen aura comes from her. I really will love if she is my sister, because even though she left the house she stood on her own 2 feet making a big empire on her own.

I then made my way to her cabinet, there I met her assistant. I said her "Can I meet miss Kim?" she then nodded and said "Yes sir, but can you wait till I inform mam about this" I nodded and she went inside. After few minutes she came back and said "You may go in sir" I said "Thank you" she said "My work sir". And then she started doing her work. She really kept a good personal assistant for her.

I went inside when i heard 'Come in' she then said "what may i help you with Mr Kim" she smiled politely and I said her "So we are having a company party tomorrow as it is our 10th anniversary of this company. I invite you to the party, and you can bring your friend too" I said before she could ask about him. I just wish for her to say a 'yes'.

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

As miso came inside she asked me "Mam do you need anything?" I said "Thanks miso but for now I don't need anything" she nodded and said "Mam Mr Kim have come to meet you" I said her "send him in" without any hesitation as I know he have come for some business matter. She bowed and left the room. Then someone knocked on the door I said 'Come in' knowing who it is.

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