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                  LIFE IS PRECIOUS

{Kinda obsessed with the above song for the moment}

Author's POV

They were all catching their breath while listening to the doctor. "So you mean we can do nothing but just sit and watch our sister's death?" Said jungkook furiously.

They couldn't buy it. Whatever the doctor said. "No jungkook that's not what I meant!" The doctor was trying to say them that her condition was getting worse and keeping her alive with the help of machine will only hurt her more.

"You have to understand. We don't even know when she will die. It can happen anytime. Even at the time when she is asleep or even when she is out for some work. You have to take care of her. I have to go now." Said the doctor.

"I'll send you till the door Mr Lee" said Jin's wife. Yes. She have come because her husband wasn't back even after half n hour so she got worried. And when she went there she saw the Kim boys devastated.

She knew she couldn't leave them alone. She already saw how worried they were when Se Hee left the house before she was married. And now? Now it's worse. Their sister's life was in the line of death. Anything can happen anytime. No one knows how, where and what will happen.

They all went to sleep with heavy heart. They did not want to leave her side but have to since Soojin pleaded them to go and rest.

It was morning soon and Se Hee woke up from her nightmare with a loud gasp. She had this nightmare since past few days. It was 2 hands blocking her supply of oxygen and trying to take her life away from her. She was always scared as well tired because of this.

It was 7 in the morning so she woke up and got ready to meet those 2 boys and miso. After dressing up she went to the dining room to have her breakfast.

She wished 'Good Morning' to all and they replied. But seeing her all dressed they asked "Where are you going?"

She took her seat and was serving herself with bread toast and banana milk "I'm going to my company." As soon as they heard her they all stopped whatever they were doing and looked at her.

The words said by Mr Lee was repeating in their head ' We don't even know when she will die. It can happen anytime. Even at the time when she is asleep or even when she is out for some work. You have to take care of her.' All at once shouted "NO!!" startling the shit outta her.

She looked at them giving the 'what the fuck? I was eating peacefully' look. "You are not going anywhere" said hoseok. She can understand why they are behaving in this way. It's because of her condition.

Yes. She does know that her condition is becoming worse. In the past few days she used to get headaches often but very less hallucination. But now it's very frequent. And her health concerns everyone in the family.

"Ah c'mon. Please" She tried convincing them but they wouldn't buy it. Now she was gonna use her final weapon, her puppy eyes and pout. "Pretty pleaseee" she again tried and who could resist such a sweet face. "Aish this girl. Okay you can go but take one of our brothers" said Jin sighing.

"I have work today" said namjoon. "Ah same here" said hoseok. "me too" "I'm with you too jimin" replied jimin and taehyung. "I have an important deal" said jin "and I'm going with hyung" continued jungkook.

All looked at yoongi now who was gonna bite the pancake peacefully. He's the one who has no work since he had come back from the tour so the company had given him a 2 months off.

"Why are you all looking at me?" He said getting annoyed. Jin "yoongi you will accompany her to her company. And I won't accept a no"

He knew his hyung very well so there's no use of arguing. "Fine fine I'll go" he said eating his pancake. "Ah I wanted to sleep today" he mumbled that was heard by Se Hee since she was sitting next to him. She whispered"Oppa if you want you can stay. I'll go there alone don't worry."

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