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A/N :- Hey guys first of all thanks for 100+ views. This is all thanks to you my viewers. I'll make sure to make more chapters. And do say me if you have any suggestions for any books or this book. I'll try to fulfill it. This will be a little long chapter JUST FOR YOU ~~



Hye jin's POV

I exited the car following with Seo Jun and Jack. Jack on my left and Seo Jun on my right.
I looked at the huge mansion and sighed.

Then I heard jack sigh too

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Then I heard jack sigh too. "Are we going to do this? Can't we just leave?" Seo Jun asked feeling a bit unsure. I said "If we just leave their thoughts will come true. And I must not let them feel they won". Jack said "Okay so let's just go for it" we all said "Let's go" and we stepped inside the mansion and looked around the big hall. It was still the same.

Then I heard a familiar voice saying "May I know who you are?" I turned to the direction of the voice

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Then I heard a familiar voice saying "May I know who you are?" I turned to the direction of the voice. I saw the face I have been wanting to see for years. It's her. My Mom. She is in the house today off from her work. I smiled at her and said "Hello Mam. I'm invited here for the dinner by Mr. Kim Seokjin. May I know where he is". I wanted to call her Mom so badly but I can't. I have hold onto my selfish deeds.

Then Seo Jun pulled me back lightly and asked "Who is she" in a whispering voice almost not audible but I heard it. I said "It's Mrs. Kim Yoo Jin, my Lovely Mother". Jack and Seo Jun nodded indicating they understood.

Then I saw a figure walking in the corridor. I guess he didn't notice us. He said "Mom, who have-" but stopped as soon as he saw me. He said "Se Hee is this really you"with a happy tone and hugged me taking me off guard. It was Hobi. I don't know what to call them as I'm no longer a member of this family.

And I still do remember how they treated me. It was like a slut, slave and a fučking murderer. I slightly pushed him away, he looked confused and I said "Sorry sir. I guess you have mistaken me for someone else" I put a blank expression on my face.

Again I was pulled but this time it was jack. He asked me "Who is he now?" both looked too confused as they don't know about Kim family much as I didn't say their names or anything before. I said "He is Kim Hoseok, the 3rd Son of the family" in a whispering voice. They again nodded as 'Oh okay'.

Then he said "Oh. I'm sorry. You kinda look like my little sister. Anyways may I know who you are then?". I was going to say but Mrs Kim interrupted saying "She is Ms Kim Hye Jin, she have come for dinner, Jin has invited her. Do you know anything about this?"
_________End of POV _________

Hoseok's POV

I was humming my favorite song "Chicken noodle soup" I was walking downstairs. I heard mom speaking to someone so I asked "Mom who have-" I saw the girl. She is Se Hee no doubt. But who are the 2 boys beside her. I shrugged the thought off. I was so happy to see Se Hee back. I went and hugged her tightly and said "Se Hee is this really you?" but she pushed me away and said "Sorry sir, you must have mistaken me for someone else".

The smile in my face dropped but then I somehow placed a polite smile in my face and said "So may I know who you are?" she was going to speak but mom said instead "She is Kim Hye Jin. She have come for dinner, jin invited her. Do you know anything about this hoseok-ah?"

I then remembered that she is the CEO of KF company Kim Hye Jin, who looks like Se Hee.

I then said "Yes mom". My mom said "Ms Kim, you may take a look around the house till then hoseokie go and call your hyung and the others". She smiled and nodded. I went to call hyung and the others to say about her arrival.

She left the place and started to roam around with the other 2 boys who followed her. Who the hell are they. That too they are sticking to her by her side. Ugh anyways I went to Jin hyung's room. Everyone were gathered there. I then opened the door slightly and walked in.

I said "Guys she have come. And for a moment I believed she was Se Hee". After that all said "Really!!" I nodded then jin hyung said "Where is she now? Did she come alone?" I said "Hyung Eomma said her to take a look around till I call you guys and no she didn't come alone. There were 2 boys with her who never left her side. And they were looking the same age, it might be her friends. Anyways let's go". I said and we all walked out of the room followed by Jin hyung.

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

I started to look around. I still remember how this house looks like. It was nice to see everything same. Then my legs took me to a familiar place. More like a room. Yep it was my room. The room in which I always hid my feelings, where I harmed myself, place where I get a little bit of privacy.

Then Jack asked "Why are staring at this door?" Seo Jun also asked "Do you know this place?" I nodded and said "This is my room. Probably it is dusty and old like a storeroom by now" then Seo Jun said "Then let's look inside, shall we?" I sighed and said "Okay, let's go".

We went inside the room but was shocked by seeing the atmosphere of the room. It was so clean and neat. There were many teddy bears. My favorite perfume's smell was all over the place. It looked like someone have taken care of this place very well. Not even a dust to be seen.

There was a Giant Teddy Bear and many more bears of different sizes

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There was a Giant Teddy Bear and many more bears of different sizes. I love those. I smiled seeing that. Jack spoke "But your room looks so neat. It looks no one ever tried to ruin it". I nodded. Then Seo Jun spoke "Did you have these bears back then?" I said "No I didn't have these. I didn't even have 1 bear how will I get these many". I saw a pic of our childhood too. Where we all are playing, having fun and mom and dad are looking at us proudly.

I took the pic in my hand and said "It can't be my mom or dad as they are always out for business trip and it can't be either the maids. And about the 7 boys, they won't. They hate Se Hee from the core of their heart. So who did?" I said then suddenly the door opened revealing the 7 sons of Kim Family.


•~~To be Continued ~~•

Hey guys new update here. IDK if you will like it and I'm sorry if it's not upto your expectations. I'll try my best and give my best for you guys.

Thanks for reading. Bye

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