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Jin's pov

As Jackson and I parted the boys he yelled at us as he was comforting Seo Jun. What did she go through? Were we really bad enough to her? I wanted to ask what happened but soon a nurse was running in and out of the emergency room where Se Hee was taken to. I asked her "What happen?" she said "I can't say that the doctor can say but she needs blood right now, it's B+ and she needs 4 packs now. She is loosing a lot of blood and we don't have enough time to save her or else ". Hearing that I said "Jungkook, yoongi, hoseok and joon go with her for giving the blood soon" I said as others are A+

Then the nurse took them in. I didn't ask him about her because her life is important now. Others were waiting out.

It was more than 5 hours the boys who gave blood were in a ward taking some rest as they gave 1 pack each. Suddenly the doctor came out. I and my brothers stood near the doctor. He sighed and asked  "Are you her family?".

I nodded and said "Yes I'm her brother" he then said "I need to talk to you, come with me".

I did as he said. I followed him to his cabin, he gestured me to sit. I sat and asked "I-is everything alright?" he sighed and said "She is having PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) and after running through few test we got to know she has very less time".

I was flustered. I asked the doctor trembling "D-Doctor what d-do y-you mean?" he and looked at me with concerned eyes and said "Sorry to say but she has Brain Tumour last stage too" . I was taken back for a moment.

I said "H-how much time d-does she have?" he said "She has just 1 month that means only 30 days". He then again said "You can spend the last days with her. You may meet her in ward 531. Now I may take my leave" he said and got up.

I then went near my brothers and her friends. They asked me "What did he say? Is she alright?". I didn't say anything. Only a tear left my eyes. Then jimin asked "What happened to her hyung" in a sad tone. They all were in the verge of crying. I went near the ward the doctor said me and I stood there and opened the door to peak through. I saw jungkook sleeping with her. I smiled bitterly and said "Why didn't you say us?" I started to sob. But taehyung held my shoulder and turned me to face him. He asked "Is it.. Is it something s-serious?" I could see his eyes with some hope.

I sighed and went back to all the boys including Seo Jun, Jackson and my brothers who gave blood. I sat there and now all were looking at me hoping for some answers. I took a deep breath and said "She have PTSD and Brain Tumour last stage" . Everyone looked at me in disbelief.

Seo Jun and Jackson grabbed my collar and Jack said with gritted teeth "Don't joke around. Freaking tell the truth". I just said "She has Max 30 days left. The doctor said".

When I looked at their direction I saw kook. He couldn't believe what I said. He ran away. Back to the room where Se Hee is kept. I ran behind him. I saw him hugging her. I think I should leave them alone.

_________End of POV _________

Jungkook's POV

I went out of the room to talk to hyungs but what I heard dropped my heart. I couldn't believe. She just has 1 month. Why is god trying to take her away from me. Why ?why? why?. I again ran to her room. I went and took her hand in my hand. I cried holding her hand and said "Did.... you.. know ....this... already? That you have a.... Brain tumour?"

Then I again laid beside her. I pulled her to my embrace. I stroked her hair softly. I just cried pulling her towards me tightly and said "Mianhae Se Hee-ya". But soon i drifted to sleep as I was crying.

3rd person's POV

Hye Jin wasn't sleeping. She was just acting. She heard what he said and she said
"I forgave you guys. Don't be sad anymore and yes I do know I have brain cancer pabo" she gave him a sincere smile. Even though he couldn't see or hear. She also then drifted to the dream land.

Hye Jin was sleeping but woke up when she heard the door knob open. She opened her eyes and saw no-one was beside her. She thought 'jungkook must be here where did he go'. But she shrugged the thought off.

Just then the door opened revealing the doctor and the boys. The doctor asked "How do you feel now?" she smiled happily and said "Better doctor. Thank you". The doctor smiled back and turned to the boys and said "She can be discharged today" and left them alone in the room.

Soon two boys dashed towards the girl sitting in the bed and pulled her in a bone crushing hug.

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

As the doctor left Seo Jun and Jack dashed towards me and hugged me. We parted after a good of 5 mins and Then Seo Jun said "Yah pabo why did you ask us to leave your side huh?" she chuckled and said "Aish, yah boys you should have some time with your girls too" both playfully rolled their eyes. Then I heard someone fake coughing. It was none other than Kim boys. They were for sure jealous Ha.

Yoongi said "So what's with this girl thing?" I now remembered what he was talking about, I was about to laugh looking at their expressions but suppressed it. I made an evil plan and smirked internally. I looked at him with a annoying look.

I said in annoyance "Why do you bother?". I then looked at Seo Jun and Jack. I winked at them without the Kim's notice and they understood what I meant.

Woah what friends I got. But then jack asked me "But hye Jin did you really know about your condition?". I don't know what to say. I sighed and nodded. I replied "I knew" then Seo Jun asked "Why didn't you say us about it? Don't you think is as your friends anymore?" he asked almost crying.

I said "I'm sorry. But I didn't want to hurt you guys. You really are my family" I pulled them to a hug. They then said "but if you would've said earlier we would try to help you" I shook my head and said "I tried talking to many doctors but they couldn't help me. Seems like I will leave soon" I smiled. They said "Even if you leave you will stay in our heart always with us".

•~Time skip~•

It's time to go now but right now I'm witnessing a fight which is between My friends Vs my brothers. They are fighting for 1 reason "Where should I stay".

I got annoyed and said "I don't want to go to anyone's house I'll go back to my house" with that I started to walk away but was stopped by them. I said "What now?". Then jungkook said "Please come with us Se Hee. We didn't talk to you for almost 14 years. Please".

Ahhhh his cute sparkling eyes. I couldn't say no. I looked at jack and Seo Jun. They understood what I  wanted to say and they nodded. I said sternly "Okay I'll come but not as Se Hee but as Hye jin".

They didn't think and nodded hastily. I then sat in the limos and went to the Kim mansion.

After few minutes we reached there. I got down and went in. I was greeted by my sister-in-law. She hugged me. I hugged her too. She said "Welcome Se Hee-ya" I smiled at her. I then went to my room. It was clean as I saw before.

I think they regretted. But I don't think that's the real reason for them to hate me. There must be some other reason. I got changed and washed up. I then hopped on the bed. I was scrolling through my phone but then I drifted to sleep as I was too sleepy. Ah my lazy ass.

_________End of POV _________

TO be continued

Thank you readers for 200+ reads.

New chapter. I know it's boring but I'll end this book soon so stay tuned. And do read this book called "He played with my heart" by jaykay1237 you will love it. And guys I'm sorry for updating late. I have lots of assignments and my offline classes starts soon so before that I should complete. So please do understand. I'll try to update sooner. Bye~~

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