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            IT WAS CLOSE

Jungkook's POV

As Jin hyung asked me to go to the KF company for making a small deal. If they are intrested then Jin hyung will come and make the final deal. I didn't want to be late and make a bad impression of our company so I went early around 7:30am.

I entered inside the Company and then I saw a helping counter there

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I entered inside the Company and then I saw a helping counter there. I went near the desk and then a lady, maybe the one who sits there asked me "How may I help you sir?". I said "I want to meet the CEO. Can I know where she is?" she said "Sorry sir, the CEO hasn't come yet. She will be here in 20 Minutes till then you can wait there". She pointed towards a bench and i said "thank you" she said "It's my work sir". The employees here were all polite.

I waited for 20 minutes and then I saw the employees standing and greeting someone. I guess it was the CEO. I saw a mirror nearby, I saw myself if I'm dressed properly or not. Then I saw a women I guess she is in her early 20s just like me and she is the CEO at a very young age. Woah! I love her attitude. The way she walks shows that she will not bow in front of anyone. All must bow to her. The aura Of a queen comes from her.

Wait. Wait. Wait. She kinda looks like Se Hee. Is she Se Hee. It can't be. She never walks like this or has an attitude like that. Se Hee is a kind nature person.

Ugh. Anyways I have to meet her and ask about if she wants to deal with our company. I saw her enter in her office. I then went to her secretary and I bowed to her a little to show respect. She did the same and she asked "How may I help you sir?". I said "I'm from The Kim Company. I came here on behalf of the CEO Kim Seokjin. Can I meet your CEO". She said "Wait a minute sir. I'll ask and say it to you". I nodded and she entered.

I tried seeing from the transparent glass in between the walls. But her face wasn't seen clearly. Then I stood properly as I saw the door opened. And the secretary said "Sir, you may go in after 10 minutes". I said "Thank You". She smiled and said "My pleasure sir".

I waited for 10 minutes and then I knocked on the door. I heard her saying 'come in'so I went in and closed the door behind me.

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

I was still thinking why did he come here. Did he come here to search for me or for something else. I then shrugged that off and thought to myself 'Ugh be calm down hye Jin-ah. Everything will be alright'. I breath deeply in and out. Then I heard a knock on my door I said "Come in". I then saw Jungkook. I tried to calm myself down. I saw him close the door behind him. He came towards me. My focus was still on the laptop. He said "Hello Miss Kim Hye Jin. I'm Kim Jungkook from The Kim company. I came here on behalf of my brother and the CEO Kim seokjin" I looked at him and said "Hello Mr Kim Jungkook. May I know with what can I help you with".

He said "Can we talk about a deal. After listening to the deal you may decide if you want to deal with us or not. It's upon you". I nodded and asked him to take a seat on the the sofa there and I went to him sitting on the opposite side.

          (This is the place)

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          (This is the place)

I took a deep breath and asked him to continue. He then explained me about the deal and I really liked the idea. It's not because he is my brother but because the idea was good and could bring profit to our company too.

After speaking about the project he asked me "So how do you like our project". He said "It's good. I like the idea. I look forward to working with you Mr Jungkook" and he said "Okay then. Thank you for your time Miss Kim Hye Jin. I'll ask the CEO to come and make the deal final" amd he extended his hand. I too extended my hand for a handshake. After that he left my office and then Miso came in. She asked me "Do you need something mam. You look tired". I said "Can you make me a coffee Miso. I'm too tired". She went out of my office I went back to my chair and continued my work on the laptop.

After 5minutes Miso came in with a cup of coffee and kept it on the table. She said "Mam you can take some rest and have the coffee here". I closed my laptop and went near the couch and sat. I asked miso to take a seat too. She sat and asked me "Mam is something bothering you" I nodded as a 'yes'. She then said "Mam you know right you can share anything with me". Miso is like a good friend. She is just a year smaller than me. When she first joined my company I asked her to take the Executive director position as she has a good IQ, but she rejected the offer and became my secretary. She is the most trusted person in the company. But she doesn't knows about my past.I sighed.

_________End of POV _________

Jungkook's POV

As I came out of the office I went back to my house. I was taking rest. I took a small nap which I think but was a long sleep. I then woke up and saw the time it's 6pm. I then took shower and wore my clothes. There is still 1 hour for everyone to come back so I thought of playing with Se Hwa.

I played with her but only 1 thought was in my mind at that time KIM HYE JIN why do I think of her. She looks a little like Se hee. She has the same voice and same eyes as me. But as from her background information she is an orphan from a poor family. It's too confusing.

After 1 hour everyone were back. They all freshened up and came to the dining room. We started to eat then Jin hyung asked me "Jungkook-ah how was the deal. Did she accept it?". I chewed the food and said "Yes, she said she liked our idea. She said she will work with us as partners". Then hyung nodded and said "good to know. You handled it pretty well. For this I will give you banana milk for 2 months". I shower my bunny teeth and smiled. After a while We finished eating.

Now we all were sitting in Se Hee's room as always. Then jimin hyung sadly said "When will she come. It's been 4 years" then taehyung said "Will she ever come back to her home". Then hobi hyung said "She will come back. I trust in her". Then I thought for a while and said "Hyung I think I know someone who looks and has the same voice as Se Hee". They all looked at me with a happy, nervous and excited face and everyone said "Who?" in unison.

I sighed and said "KIM HYE JIN".

_________End of POV _________

•~~To be continued ~~•

Hey guys. A new update. I know it's a very long, lame and boring chapter. But do say me how you feel about this chapter in the comments.

Thank you for reading. Bye~

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