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Hye Jin's POV

After studying for a while I decided to sleep as I don't eat my dinner. Actually it became my habit, to eat once a day.

So I went to my bed I wasn't sleepy so I decided to surf the internet, basically surf insta because it was 8pm and I sleep at 1am...

So I started to surf the internet but I don't know why but I felt my heart is aching. I don't have any disease. So why?

Then I felt something is wrong with kookie. As we are twins I thought that's why. But why did I feel it. I don't love him. I don't love them. I freaking hate them. Then why? WHY?WHY?...

I wasn't able to sleep. I just touched my chest and kept my hand near my heart. I then said "It's OK nothing is wrong calm down. Don't be sad. Be strong OKAY". I said and slowly it started to calm down.

I felt like that my other half was getting soothed by me. I don't know but a smile crept on my face.

I then slept peacefully after that but still my hand was on my chest near the heart.

_________End of POV _________

Kim Soojin's POV(their mom)

[The time when she slapped Jungkook ]

Ah! What did I do. Why did I slap my son. Ah what's wrong with me. I should talk to him. I'm so sorry my son.

I shouldn't have done that to you. I didn't slap you or hit you my whole life but why did I do that now.

I run towards the room and start banging it with jin. He said "Eomma please leave him for now. I and my brothers will take care of him". I was sad I wanted to speak to him so badly. But then I remember that Se Hee is there to take care of him even though she left.

But still I don't understand why did she leave us. What was our mistake?...

_________End of POV _________

Taehyung's POV

I'm sure he won't come out now after what happened.

We were banging on the door and calling jungkook for more than an hour. Then I said "Guys I think he already slept. So let's stop banging and see tomorrow". I said with a low voice.

They then turned towards me and namjoon hyung said "I guess taehyung is right. Let's go sleep now and come tomorrow". Everyone went to their rooms and I was standing alone near Se Hee's room.

I thought 'I hope you are taking good care of jungkook. Please look after him for us'. I smiled and went to my room and slept.

__________End of POV ________

Jungkook's POV

I woke up and saw my surroundings. I then remember that what had happened last night. My mom slapped me for the first time. I was sad but at the same time I have to remember that it was our mistake too. For us my twin Se Hee had to leave. She is a girl and is now alone in this cruel world.

But I hope your doing well My precious sister. What are doing now and how are you. And once again thank you for soothing me yesterday. I smiled. And went out of the room. And went to my room.

I saw the time it was 7:30am so I went to take shower as I have to go to the university today. I came out and went to my closet. I took my clothes and went to the dining room too have my banana milk.

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