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Hye jin's POV
After I come back I freshened up and then called Seo Jun.

Seo Jun -Jun , Hye Jin- Jin
•~Phone conversation~•

Jun- oh hey. How are you.

Jin- hey. Not that good. And u.

Jun- I'm good but what happen to you.

Jin- Ah nothing. Are you and Jack free ?

Jun - No. We are expensive (Laughs)

Jin- I'm not joking Seo Jun-ah.

Jun- Okay okay. Yeah we are free. Why?

Jin- Can you and Jack come to my house please.

Jun-ah okay. We will be there in half and hour.

Jin- Okay. Bye...
•~End of conversation~•

I cut the call and sigh. Why did he come today. I don't what will happen if they know it's me. I have to ask their (Friends) help. Miso is making me a coffee. I said her to take a leave today. Anyways her working hour is completed today. Ugh. Why is it happening to me.

_________End of POV _________

Taehyung's POV

"It's Kim hye Jin" jungkook said. Then yoongi hyung said "No way. She can't be her".

Jungkook said "I know hyung, but I doubt her". Jin hyung said "Why do you think hye jis is only our sister Se Hee". Then jungkook said "She looks the same. She talks in the same way. She has the same eyes and voice". I then said "He has a point. No one can have these many similarities".

Jimin said "Yeah. But how. We have to see her first". Then Namjoon hyung said "Jin hyung. You will go to her company tomorrow, right?".

Jin hyung nodded as a 'yes'. Then hobi hyung continued "I know what he wants to say". We look at his direction and he continued "Then you can see her. If you think the same as Jungkook then you can invite her for a dinner so we all can meet her". Jin hyung said "But what will the reason be". Yoongi hyung said "Hyung how are you so stupid. Of course you will invite her for the celebration of the deal". After that he got a smack on his head because he said "Stupid" to jin hyung. I then said "So it's final. Hyung will invite her". Then Jin hyung said "Let's hope for the best". With that we all went to our rooms to sleep.

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

It's 8:30 pm and finally they came. I heard the knock on the door and I opened it. They entered and sat in the living room. Then Seo Jun spoke "Okay so what happen to our Miss CEO". I said "Seo Jun-ah quit it. I'm too pissed right now".

Then he stopped and Jack spoke "So say what happen" I sighed and said "My brother Jungkook came to my office today". Seo Jun was Sipping on his drinks but as soon as he heard that, he spat it out all on jack. It some how made me laugh but then they said "WHAT???BUT WHY?!!!". I said "calm down and Jack clean up the mess then I'll continue". He then cleaned himself and came back to his place.

I then sighed and said "He came for a business deal". Then jack said "Did he recognize you?". I said "I don't know. I hope he doesn't recognize me. But he looked at me with suspicious look".

Then Seo Jun asked me "Did you accept the deal? " I nodded as a 'yes' they both sighed and I said "I accepted it because it was a good deal and it will bring profit to our company. I can't collide personal matters to business so I just accepted it". I sighed

They nodded and then jack said "Okay we understand you. But now you should be more careful. I mistake and they will identify you". I nodded. Then Seo Jun said "Ayyy don't worry. We are here to help you. Now cheer up. You look like a monkey". Hearing to his words I laughed. They indeed are great friends.

Now I think what I have done to get like this friends. I look at them and smile.
_________End of POV _________

Jin's POV

I woke up hearing my wife asking me to wake up now. I saw the time it was 6:30 am. I got up from bed and looked at my side. I saw my daughter sleeping peacefully. I looked at her and thought 'I hope I find your aunt today' I kissed her forehead and then went to the bathroom to take shower.

After taking shower for 20 Minutes I came out wearing a towel around my waist and then I went near my closet. I took my favorite formal suit and got ready. I didn't want to look bad in front of her.

I then went to the kitchen and I saw my wife making breakfast

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I then went to the kitchen and I saw my wife making breakfast. I went to her and gave her a back hug and a kiss on her left cheek. She said "Oh you are here. Have your breakfast and then you can go to office". She is the sweetest lady we have met after our sister left. I said "Yes Mam" we chuckled together. Then she gave me my food and I had. After having I saw the time in my wrist watch, it was 7:30. Now I should get going. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and left.

On the way, I was hoping that the girl Kim Hye Jin to be my sister. It will take 20 minutes to reach KF company. After waiting for 20 minutes I finally reached her company. If she is my sister I'm proud of her. She is the youngest CEO in the whole nation. She alone made a whole empire.

I went inside and went near the receptionist. I asked "I'm Kim Seokjin, the CEO of Kim company. Where can I meet Miss Kim Hye Jin". She said "Sir, you can wait for 10 minutes. It's already 7:50 She will be here soon". I said thank you and came near a bench. I sat there and waited for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes I saw all the Co-workers are greeting 'Good Morning' I think it might be Kim Hye Jin. I was trying to see her face but couldn't see. I could just see the 'queen's' attitude in the way she walks. Is she really Se Hee or jungkook has mistaken for someone else.

Then she entered into her cabin. I went near the desk which was right in front of her cabinet. It should be her secretary. I went to her and said "Excuse me. I'm Kim Seokjin. I have come to finalize the deal with the CEO. Where can I meet her?". She said "Wait a minute sir, I'll ask and inform it to you". I said "Thank you " she smiled and said "Not a problem sir". After that she walked inside the cabin. I was trying to see through but couldn't. I waited there as she said.
_________End of POV _________

•~To Be Continued~•

Hey guys. New update here. Thanks for reading and do say how was this chapter. Sorry if I had made any mistake. Stay tuned to know what happens next.


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