special chapter

651 22 18


Author's POV

"Don't worry jagi! Nothing will happen. Just wait a little longer. Please. I know you can do it." Said the worried husband.

"I- I can't anymore. Y-You are responsible f-for this." Said the panting wife to her husband. "Mam can you push a little harder" said another female voice.

"If I did I'm afraid my child will fly and break the wall" said the female in her early 30's to the doctor.

If you wonder where they are, they are in the hospital to be specific the labor room and Mrs Kim, the mother of 6 kids who's going to give birth to another kid.

Damn she's too strong- 0_0

Anyways back to story~

"Mrs Kim, a little more" said the doctor.

"I-Im trying ahhhhhh" She Screamed and finally the baby came to this world. "Congratulations Mr and Mrs Kim it's a boy. Now once again push a little harder Mrs kim." Announced the doctor.

After panting, sweating, screaming and twisting her husband's hand for a while another crying of the baby was heard. "Congratulations Mr and Mrs kim, it's a girl" the doctor handed the infants to the nurse for checking the weight and health of the baby.

"You did a great job Mrs Kim. Take rest and we will check the condition of the babies." With a bow they all left leaving the couple in a ward.

"Thank you Jagi for this wonderful gift. You did not just give me 7 boys but also a little princess. I love you so much" said Mr Kim and hugged his wife while sobbing. She then went to sleep as she was hella tired.

[Time skip~]

Little voice could be heard from the door as the voices were loud enough to wake the sleeping person. "Shh hyung! Don't talk you will wake mom and dad" said a small voice to the elder.

"Yah! yaedeul-a, slow your voices. See they are sleeping." Said the eldest to his dongsaengs.

"Kids? What are you doing here?"Asked Mrs Kim.

"See you woke them up! Anyways eomma we have come to see you and and our maknaes. Where are they?!" Jin asked.

She smiled to them "They are in the kids unit now. Ask dad to take you guys"

They nodded and just then their father opened his eyes. He's a deep sleeper. The boys asked their father to take them to their siblings and he nodded to that and took them where the 2 kids were kept.

Still they are not allowed to touch the kids as the doctors have to check up on them if they have any problems or sickness.

They were standing in front of the kids but the only thing that is separating them was the transparent glass wall.

There were the kids sleeping peacefully holding each others hands. Seeing them the kids started to squeal in excitement earning lot of stares from the nurses and the other people.

Suddenly the boy started to cry followed with the girl who saw her brother crying. Seeing that the sister was crying the boy stopped and surprisingly the girl stopped too.

They were the precious maknaes of the Kim family, Jungkook and Se Hee. Being the twin of jungkook Se Hee couldn't stand seeing her twin crying since childhood.

Soon after few days they were taken back to their house.

Now Se Hee and Jungkook were 48 days old. Mr Kim took Se Hee in his arms as she was not sleeping and jungkook already slept after eating. He looked at his daughter with loving gaze "My precious daughter. What happen? Why are you not sleeping?"

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