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Jungkook's POV

It's been 4years now. I still can't find her. Where did she hide herself so well. We asked each and everyone. Everything has changed. Nothing is the same. Except for 1 thing. That is our sister Se Hee. We still search for her. We didn't loose hope on her.

And our dad and mom are still overseas but not for work for holidays as they have grown old. We asked them not to worry about the business or Se Hee.

I'm taking over the CEO position of the 2nd main branch of Kim company. Seokjin hyung has taken over the CEO position of the main Branch. He even has a daughter. We see Se Hee in her. We didn't want to loose her too so we did all the possible things to make her happy.

Yoongi Hyung has become more popular with his music and rap. Hobi hyung has become a famous choreographer. He is often asked to choreograph the dance for the idols.

Namjoon Hyung is a professor in the Seoul University. No one misses the lecture of hyung.

Jimin hyung is an actor. He acts really well and even taehyung hyung is an actor. They are grown popular with their first ever drama.

But no news of Se Hee. I get the feeling that she is somewhere nearby. But I don't know where. Whenever I cry I feel like she is here to comfort me. But where is she.

I entered the house its 8pm now. I saw everyone are sitting there in the dining room. I guess they really waiting for me. I said "Annyong Hyungs and Noona. I'll be back after I freshen up". With that I turned towards the staircase and went to my room.

I quickly went removed my suit and went to take shower. After that I came out and wore My PJs.

I came downstairs and then I saw my niece coming to me while running

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I came downstairs and then I saw my niece coming to me while running. She said "Uncle!!!". She came towards me and I took her up in my arms and said "Se Hwa-ya. How is my little princess". She said "I'm go-od un-cl-e" she was stuttering as she is 3years old. But she speaks cutely. It reminds me of Me and Se Hee. She used to stutter like this only.

I went to my chair with her in my arms and then Noona said "Jungkook-ah give her here I'll feed her". She wasn't ready to get up as I'm her favorite uncle haha. I said "It's OK Noona. I'll feed her today". Then I started to feed her and eat my food too.

After eating and feeding her Noona took her to her room make her sleep. Then I and the hyungs sat on the floor in the living room. Then hobi hyung said "Did you find any information about her". All nodded our head as a 'No'. Then Jin hyung said " Let's talk about the company now. There's a company called ' The KF Company'. It's a new company that started last year and now is the No.1 company in Korea leaving our company to the No.2 and is also one Top 3 companies in the world. We should try making a deal with KF Company". We all nodded and Namjoon hyung said "OK let's see hyung. And I heard the CEO of KF company is a woman". Then we made an 'O' expression. We then stopped the conversation and went to our rooms to sleep. And as usual I went to Se Hee's room.
_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV
It's been 4 years now. I'm living independently. Without them. They must be too happy because they should not see a face of a 'Murderer who tried to kill her own family'. It was a usual day. I woke up at my alarms sound. It was 7am. Is one up lazily from my bed and went to the bathroom to take shower. After taking a long shower of 30 Mins I came out and opened my closet to choose the dress I should wear to go to office. I took out my blue formal and wore it. I have put a light makeup and a little lipstick. I took my shades and wore it.

(This was the dress and makeup look)

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(This was the dress and makeup look)

After that I went to the kitchen and searched for my Banana Milk. Just then I heard a knock on my door. I went to open it and saw Jung Miso, my secretary. She smiled and bowed to me and said "Good Morning mam". I smiled and said "Good Morning Miso. Come in".

She came inside and she said "Mam you didn't eat anything right" I nodded then she said "I'll make you breakfast mam". I chuckled and said "Miso-ya, you know right I don't eat anything in the morning". She smiled and said "I know mam. But you should eat something. I'm your secretary. I have to take care of you". I said "it's OK Miso-ya. I'll have my lunch later. Now let's get going to the office". She said "OK mam".

She went out of the apartment and stood near my car. I came out after I lock the door. I wore my shades and then miso opened the backseat door for me. I sat inside and said "Thank you". She said "It's okay mam. It's a part of my work". I then nodded she drove the car to the Office. I opened the door and came out. Then put my shades and walked in. All the workers were saying "Good Morning mam"As I walked I wished the same but with a strict face.

They all are the staff or you can say workers who work in My Company known as The KF Company. Nobody knows the meaning behind it. All think I just picked some random alphabets. But no it does have a meaning. It means The Kim Family's Company. And I'm the CEO of this company, Kim Hye Jin.

I started this company last year and now it is the famous company leaving my family's company behind. And Jung Miso became my secretary at the time I had nobody. But very few workers who trusted me.

I then entered inside my cabin. I was doing some work in my laptop. Miso came inside my cabinet and asked "Mam do you need anything". I smiled and said "I don't want anything right now. But if I want I will call you". She then bowed and left my cabin.

She then again came inside and said "Mam, Mr Kim Jungkook has come to meet you". I looked at her and thought for a while 'why did jungkook come. Did he get to know where I am. No-no it can't be. I'm Kim Hye Jin not Kim se hee' then I felt someone calling me 'Mam' contiuously.

I then shrugged off the thoughts and saw Miso calling me. Then she said "Mam should I say him to go and come later". I said "No it's OK let him in after 10 minutes". She just bowed and left my cabinet.
_________End of POV _________

~To be continued ~

Hey guys this is my new update. I know it's lame. I'll try to make up to your expectations. Thank You for reading.

Thank You. Bye~~

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