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                  HAPPY ENDING? {1}

Author's POV

She slowly opened her door and made her way to the corridor. Her room as well as jin, Jungkook's and yoongi's room were in the left corridor and her other brothers stayed in the right.

She walked towards the kitchen to fetch some water. While she was drinking water, her stomach growled. She was hungry since she didn't eat anything after drinking coffee in the morning. She turned towards the fridge searching for the leftovers as she knew Jin would keep some for her incase she felt hungry.

There she found a plate in which little bit of kimchi along with rice and tteokbeokki was kept with a note saying 'Oh your hungry right? Here have some. Today your jinnie oppa made it hehe^^'

She grinned at the letter and started to eat. She was done with eating and now she was on her way back to her room but her feet bought her to the opposite side. She slowly opened the door of her brothers one by one and smiling to herself looking at her brothers faces.

The next door she opened was of jin's. There she saw a beautiful sight. Jin wrapped his arm around soojin and Se Hwa. And Se Hwa was in the middle sleeping peacefully. It's such a cute little family.

She came out from the room making no noise and closed the door. Finally the last room, that was Jungkook's. She opened it and went in. There he was sleeping while hugging the bunny soft toy that was gifted by her. She chuckled seeing jungkooks lips parted a little and soft snores could be heard.

She went towards him and sat next to him making sure not to wake him up. She was caressing his face and due to that jungkook woke up.

Se Hee, "Oh sorry, did I wake you up?"

He just hummed rubbing his eyes and then he checked her temperature "How are you feeling now?" He asked.

"Better" She hummed. Jungkook, "What happen? Not feeling sleepy?"

She shook her head. As always jungkook made place next to him so that she could sleep. "Now sleep. Im here with you" he whispered.

'I hope you are with me forever but I think this will be the last time I'm sleeping with you kookie." She thought as she nuzzled into Jungkook's chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

{Time skip~ uk I'm a lazy author}

It was morning and everyone woke up except for the maknaes of the family, Se hee and Jungkook. Jin went to wake them up. He knocked on Se Hee's door bur there was no reply so he turned the door knob and it was open.

He opened to get a wider view but saw nothing but and empty bed. He calmed himself trying not to panic so he opened Jungkook's door in haste.

Seeing the sight he calmed himself. Se Hee and jungkook hugging eachother and one of her leg was on Jungkook's waist. They look so cute. Someone might mistake them as a couple. No words can really describe their twins bond. It's a special one indeed.

He took few pics before waking them up "Jungkook-ah, Se Hee-ya ireona~. It's already 8"30 am. Jungkook-ah you will be late for the office" and hearing the last sentence jungkook shit his eyes open. He wriggled out of Se Hee's koala grip and sprinted towards the bathroom to shower and Se hee woke up due to his moments.

"Good Morning sweetie. Did you both have a good sleep?" Jin asked the pale looking girl who was squinting her eyes trying to adjust with the light in the room "Nae oppa."

"Go take shower and come down to eat breakfast okay?" He ruffled her hair and went back.

She stood up and as she reached the door she saw jungkook jumping from one place to other searching for his formals, shoes etc whilst holding firmly on his towel.

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