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3rd person's POV

As the boys saw their sister walk to her room without giving a glance at them they knew she was still mad at them and didn't forgive them for their doings.

Hye jin's friends went back to their respective houses as they were tired too, but they were assured that as long as she has her brothers she will be fine.

It was 3pm now. The boys are now sitting the living room, thinking of a plan to make their sister happy. Jin said "Guys think of something pallie". They lowered their head thinking of something.


All said "I have an idea" everyone looked at each other and said "Are you thinking the same what I'm thinking?".

They nodded and satrted their work which were assigned by Jin hyung and their Noona.

After doing their work for almost 4 hours the boys sat down. They were damn tired.

Who wouldn't be. They did their work themselves, not even asking the maids or servants for help.

They all then went to their respective rooms and got ready.

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

I woke up after sleeping for 5 hrs and saw my surroundings. I tried remembering where I am. Just then a thought hit my head 'Im in the Kim mansion'.

I washed up as it was 8pm. I wore my PJs and opened the door. As soon as I stepped out of my room I felt something soft beneath my feet. I saw what it was.

It was rose petals. Not only in front of my room but it was path full of rose petals. I saw a piece of paper below my feet with a locket. I picked it up and saw the letter.

It was written :-
Se Hee-ya, uri dongsaeng. We missed you. We had been trying to find our heart.
- Your Jin oppa

I looked at the locket. It's the same locket I left behind. I got a bit emotional.

I walked on the soft rose path and I got another piece of paper and a photo. I picked it up and read it.

Se Hee-ya Mianhae. We know we were wrong. We didn't want you to leave us.
-your yoongi oppa

I saw the picture. It was our childhood pic. A happy picture. We all had bright smiles. I saw the pic and smiled.

I walked further. I again saw a piece of paper and a small plushy. I again picked it up and "I love you sister" was written on the plushy. I read the letter.

You are my sunshine, but you left and my sky was dark. :(
Thank you for coming as sunshine again.
-Your hobi oppa

I walked towards the staircase. Another letter and a plushy. It was written 'Lovely sister' on the plushy. I read the letter.

Our sister has grown up so much and has build a successful empire. Proud of my sister :)
-Your joonie oppa

I smiled brightly today. I smile every day because of the 2 idiots but after so long I smiled because of my brothers. I hid the smile before anyone notices.

I walked down the stairs. In the middle of the stairs I saw another letter and a cute little teddy bear. It was written 'Best Sister' . I read the letter.

I wish you stay with us forever. You were our reason to smile. And thank you to be born as our little Mochi.
-Jiminie oppa

I walked further down the stairs. I saw another sheet and another teddy bear. It was written 'My life'. I read the letter.

You know right you are my little alien. I missed playing with you. Please be back to us, your brothers. Please!
-Taetae oppa

I walked on the petals and reached near the living room.
Lights were off. But as I walked I felt a thing below my feet. I saw it was a paper. And a banana milk. I read the letter.

I'm incomplete without you my sister. You are my half. I'm sorry for my mistakes.
-Dummy Bunny

Suddenly all the lights were turned on. And I saw my brothers. They all came towards me and hugged me. I was cluelessly standing there.

Then they all made a huge circle with their hands joined one to the other and me in the middle. Jin said "You are our little planet and a whole universe ". Yoongi continued "You are our everything like humans need oxygen and water to live but we need you".

Hobi said "You are our reason to smile, you are reason for us to still be alive ". Namjoon said "But we are fools to let you go, let our life go".

Jimin said "We made a huge mistake. And we are shameless enough to ask for your forgiveness". Taehyung said "We are very sorry to hurt you almost half of your life. We promise to never ever hurt you".

Jungkook said "You are the whole bunch of happiness. Our stamina pill. We were all broken when you weren't here. We broke the promise to keep you happy".

Then all said in unison "Forgive us Se Hee. We promise you we will keep you happy forever. This time this will not be broken". I couldn't hold more. I burst into tears.

They came and hugged me. They said "Don't ever leave us". I said "I'm sorry for not being a good sister to you".

They parted from the hug and jungkook wiped my tears, cupped my face and said "Don't cry and no you were the best sister. Thank you for soothing me all the time I was lonely and crying. We are lucky to have you in our life and you were the best gift we have ever received from our parents. We didn't deserve you. "

This night was the best night for me. I was again happy with my brothers as we were during our childhood.

We danced, sang songs, ate our dinner. The mansion was full of laughter. Soon we went to sleep.

I laid on my bed. I think I can sleep peacefully tonight and soon drifted to sleep.

But who knows if she will have a peaceful sleep or something which haunts her will haunt her again.

_________End of POV _________

New update here. Sorry for keeping you waiting. Hope you enjoyed. Byeee

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