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                  MEMORIES {2}

Se Hee's POV

It was 9 in the morning. Everyone woke up except for 1 person. Yoongi.

When they were having breakfast they were thinking about 1 thing. 'Who will wake up yoongi?'

All are scared to wake him up and even hoseok isn't ready to go after the last time. Everyone thinks it's better to have good meal for breakfast than having curse words from yoongi.

I was now on my way to yoomgi oppa's room to wake him up as all insisted that I should be the one to wake him up as I'm his "Princess". Woah all are afraid to wake him up haha.

I am now standing in front of his room. I took a deep breathe and knocked twice on his door, but no response. So I thought of going in. When I turned the door know it opened and I went in.

There he was, sleeping peacefully. I seriously have no urge to wake him up but I have to. So I shook him "Oppa wake up it's 9"30 already." But no response. I again did the same but he just said "shh. Now come here and sleep ." I did as he said, and he was hugging me just like jungkookie hugs.

I love the warm bear hugs given by my oppa's. I just let him sleep like that for 5 mins. Then I said "Yoongi oppa, if I don't see you near the dining hall in 10 mins your dead" with that I walked out of the room.

I waited for him. I saw the watch, there's still 3 mins before I kick his ass.

But to everyone's surprise yoongi oppa was sprinting to the dining room. I chuckled and shook my head at his behavior.

After he was done with his breakfast we all stood in the living room. I started "So guys ready?" They all nodded and joonie oppa started "Bikes, helmets, gloves - check" followed with tae oppa "Food and mat for picnic - check" lastly Jin oppa said "let's count 1" "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" Wait "who's the 10th person?" hobi oppa voiced out our thoughts as though he was reading our minds.

When we turned it turns out it was Se Hwa haha. "Yes cutie it's you" said jiminie oppa.

Then I said "Eonnie you come behind us in the car with Se Hwa and we will be at the front with our bikes." She nodded and we all left.

" She nodded and we all left

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(Se Hee's dress)

(Se Hee's dress)

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