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Hye jin's POV

I was sitting there calmly whilst talking to The Kim Boys. They asked me about my family. Woah they wanna know, so bad not gonna say the truth. I said "Well I'm just an orphan. I have got no one beside me except for My Friends you know" then jimin asked "So who gave you this name?". Ouh now they wanna know who gave me my name okay then "Well I only know my surname was Kim so I gave this name to myself".

'Now I'm hard to get Boys' I smirked thinking this. Then jungkook suddenly asked me taking me off guard "You don't know us? Your family members Se Hee" wth how did he know I'm Se Hee. OK calm down Hye Jin.

I replied "I guess you misunderstood me. I'm Hye Jin not your family member".

Yoongi said "How many more lie will you say?" I wanted to scream so badly but have to calm down. I said "Excuse me, I don't like rude people. So behave yourself and I'm not lying".

Then Jin made an announcement "So the party is over, you may kindly proceed to your respective houses. Thank you for attending". I also got up from my seat to leave but Then taehyung held my hand and spoke "We know it's you So Hee. Why did you leave us? Why?"

I was just controlling my tears but they betrayed me. It started to flow, all the guest already left the place. I yelled "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANNA LISTEN?? SPEAK".

Then hobi came and held my hands but I yanked it and said "FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM ME. DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME". Then jungkook came and pulled me in a hug but I pushed him harshly.

[There's self harm here. If you want to read you can but if you don't want skip this paragraph I'll say what happens after the self-harm seen]

I then took a mini knife from my purse and kept it near my wrist. I left cutting myself habit as I promised to Seo Jun and Jack but still I keep it near me. I said "Don't you dare come near me or I'll harm myself" they took a step forward with their hands in the air as a surrender sign.

I still walked back then yoongi said "Listen to me, calm down Se hee and throw that knife here". I replied "I'M NOT KIM SE HEE ANYMORE SHE IS FUCKING DEAD YOU GUYS KILLED HER" whilst I was still walking back.

Then Jin said "No she is not dead she is here standing right in front of us. Throw that freakin knife down right now" I then said "If you take one more step I'll cut myself and I won't hesitate to do that you know" but still they walked I said "You guys didn't leave a choice but want to kill me once again okay I'll fulfil this wish also " I said as I chuckled at the last line and I cut my left hand many times.

Blood was oozing from the cuts I made and soon it was like a blood lake. I smiled and fell on the floor with a loud thud and the last time I saw and heard was my brothers running towards me and calling my name "SE HEE-YA". And after that everything became blank.

_________End of POV _________

[So basically what happened is she cut her wrist because even after giving the warnings that she will cut herself they still walked towards her. And at last she fell on the ground with a loud thud and there was a smile plastered on her face and she fell unconscious ]

Jungkook's POV

I ran towards her unconscious body and took her head in my lap. My sister cut herself in front of me and I couldn't do anything. I started to cry and say "Se Hee enough of joking, get up. Please" then namjoon hyung said "Take her inside the car now!".

I picked her up in a bridal style and ran towards the car. Jin hyung quickly drove towards the hospital. After reaching hospital the nurse and some guards quickly laid her in the bed the took her to the emergency room.

They didn't let us inside. I sat near the door and started to cry. Jin hyung was patting my back. I said "If....if not.... for me .....she.... wouldn't have..... done.... that .....hyung" i said in between the sobs. Hyung pulled me in a hug and said "Kook listen to me, it's not only your fault it's ours too. Don't cry. Please". I didn't want to cry more but seeing the emergency room I cried again. I don't know what to do.

I then took her phone which I picked up from the party hall. I opened it and saw her friends and her pic. She was happy with them. I saw a smile which i never saw when she was with us. They really made my sister happy.

I then unlocked her phone as there was no password and dialed the number which was in the top with a name 'Seo Jun-ah' I called and after 3 rings ge picked up. He said "Hey Hye Jin what happen?" I didn't know what to reply. I was still crying he then said "Hye Jin why are you silent?"

_________End of POV _________

Seo Jun's POV

I was dropping liya to her house. I said her bye and I was on my way back to the party, but then I got a call from hye Jin. I picked it and said "Hey Hye Jin what happen?" I was waiting for a reply but none came. I was tensed I then said "Hye Jin-ah what happen? You alright?" but then I heard cries of a male voice. I said "who are you and why are you having her phone" he then spoke "it's... Jungkook.....Come... To.... Seoul.... H-hospital...quick" I then said "Why what the heck have happened" he then said "Just come here soon". Before I could reply he hung up. I then called Jack. He picked in 1 go. He said "Hey" I said "No time for greetings. Just come to Seoul hospital now" he asked "What happen? You hurt?" I then said "I'm not but it's hye Jin. Something is wrong do come soon" with that I hung not waiting for him to answer. I drove with full speed.

After 15 minutes I reached and saw few boys near the emergency room. I recognised them I then went and pulled jungkook's collar harshly and said "Where is Hye Jin and what the fuck happened to her? I swear to God if something happens to her you guys are dead" his head was hung low and at that time jack have arrived. He and the other guy whose name is yoongi I believe tried to separate me from jungkook.

Finally I let go of him and Jack held me. Then after 2 minutes Jin explained what have actually happened. I couldn't proceed after what I heard. I then sat down holding my head and said "I shouldn't have left her alone. Why? Why? Why did I leave her side". Then jack consoled me and he shouted qt the boys "WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT HER WHEN YOU LET HER GO WHEN SHE NEEDED YOU. HUH. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE HAD GONE THROUGH WHEN WE FIRST MET HER".

_________End of POV _________

To be continued

Hey guys. New chapter. Sorry for the delay. I was supposed to update 2 days earlier but I ended up updating today. I'm stuck with school works. Sorry for that. Thanks for reading bye...

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