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jungkook's pov

I woke up only to find no sign of Se Hee but only my brothers. I saw the time it's 9:10am but where did she go. I checked the washroom thinking she will be there but she wasn't.

I was scared I screamed "HYUNG!!!! SE HEE IS NOT HERE" then Jin hyung woke up rubbing his eyes.

He said "What do you mean Se Hee is not here. She was right he- where did she go. Everyone get your fuvking sleepy ass up and find her right now"

We all started to run all around the house. I was running across the hall way to other hyungs room.

Then namjoon hyung came upstairs and said "she must be some where around here. Hurry up let's go to other rooms." I nodded and we began to walk to other rooms.

Ugh why is there too many rooms. Aish it's so annoying. Then taehyung hyung came near us, I asked "Hyung did you find her?" he nodded his head hastily in a 'No'.

We  all gathered at the living room. Yoongi hyung said "Did you find her?" we all nodded our head as a 'No' then hobi hyung asked "Did you find all of the rooms?"

We all thought for a while and then all widened their eyes as well as me and said in unison "The Study Room".

We didn't think for a second and ran to the study room.

We were gonna bash open the door but stopped when we heard someone, actually not one there was 2 voice. One was sobbing and the other was soothing the one sobbing.

We creak open the door a little so that we can hear, we know it's bad to eavesdrop others conversation but you know we can't control our curious ass.

We heard the other one say "Miso-ya I don't have much time left so I want to enjoy my last days with my brothers and so that I'm handing the company to you"

She really has few days I was trying to blink away my tears but couldn't. I was crying silently then someone hugged me from behind I turned around and saw jimin hyung.

He didn't say anything nor I spoke. After their talk I slowly opened the door but first I wiped my tears. I saw Se Hee and her secretary miso.

She said "Oh jungkook you are awake" she smiled. Why are you like this Se Hee. Why do you always smile and hide your pain. It hurts us.

Then all of them entered the room and gave her a bone crushing hug. Jin hyung said "Where did you go? You know how much we were worried"

She said "Oh Mianhae. I was just giving my responsibilities to miso" while rubbing her nape slightly.

Then I asked "Responsibilities?"

She nodded her head and said "Yep. I'm giving my responsibilities. The company to her and I didn't give you oppa's because you already have so many and she was the only one with me while building this empire. And she also have all the abilities to handle the company. I trust her oppa and I want enjoy with you guys." she smiled.

Like how is she so kind and pure. She literally gave her all the hard work to her secretary. I just love her how could we hate her for that reason ?

_________End of POV _________

Se Hee's POV

After I was done talking with Miso the door opened and I saw jungkook? What is he doing here.

I said "oh Hey Jungkook your awake" I smiled. Then soon all I saw all my brothers come in and giving me a bone crushing hug.

I guess all my bones are not in a single piece anymore. HAHAHA

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