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3rd person's POV (3:25am)

The Kim boys were panicking outside Se Hee's room as the doctor didn't let them in as he was still treating her. It's almost like 1hour and the doctor isn't out yet.

After few more minutes the doctor came out of the room and he was immediately bombarded with hundreds of questions.

Like 'How is she Mr Lee', 'what took so long', 'Is she doing alright Mr Lee', 'How is she now?'

The doctor said "she is alright just she had low blood pressure so she fainted but please bring her to the hospital once as you said she have a brain tumor and PTSD so I have to run some tests on her."

Then Jin being the oldest and the mother when their mother wasn't around asked "We will bring her. Is there any medicine required?" The doctor reassured them "There's no medicine required for her at the moment I gave her sleeping medicine so let her have some rest, she has little temperature too and last but not the least give her more food because she is too weak and fragile so don't let her do any work. "

They all nodded their heads.
Then jimin being impatient thinking whether he should ask or not finally let out a sigh and asked "But Mr Lee"

The doctor turned his head to the direction of jimin and said "Yes Mr Jimin." He was fiddling with his fingers and asked "But why did her mind go to the past I mean why was she saying us to stay away?"

The doctor said "It's just that I believe she has that nightmare due to that trauma. I'm not sure yet so I'm asking you to bring her to the hospital. I'll give the appointment at 12 so be there. Now I shall take my leave Mr Jin" he said turning his towards to where Jin was.

Jin said "I'll leave you till the gate Mr Lee thank you for coming at this midnight."

Then the doctor replied "It's alright Mr Jin it's my work after all and at the moment you should be with her it's the main priority now. Then I'll take my leave." the doctor said and the boys did a small bow and left.

Then all the boys entered Se Hee's room. The boys had surrounded her figure that is peacefully sleeping like a princess who is just tired after fighting with the world.

They smiled at her figure and started doing their job.

_________End of POV _________

Se Hee's POV

I woke up with bright light of the sun rays. It took some time to adjust to the brightness. I felt 2 arms wrapped around my waist and a wet cloth on my forehead.

I took the 2 arms from my waist and sat on my bed. I looked around me only to find 7 figures sleeping in my room.

Jungkook on my left and Jin oppa on my right. Their arms wrapped around my waist hugging me.

On the sofa yoongi oppa and hobi oppa sleeping in each others shoulder. Joonie oppa on the single couch sleeping on his hands.

Tae oppa and jimin oppa on the floor hugging each other and sleeping.

I chuckled seeing this scene. I quietly took my phone trying hard not to wake jin oppa or Jungkook. I took it and took a pic each of them.

And then slowly got up from my bed and went to the bathroom.

After taking shower with warm water I feel good now. Seeing them sleep beside me I think they saw me in that state.

Urgh. I forgot to take my medicine again. Ahhhhhhhhh what do I do. They must've thought I'm gone crazy. Aish. I have to be more careful now onwards.

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