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Hye jin's POV

I woke up as usual. It was 6:30am. Last night I spoke with them and we drank Soju yesterday a little. They went home after that I slept that's the only thing I remember.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to take shower. After taking shower for 20 minutes I came out and went near the closet to choose my clothes. I took out my white formal and wore it with light makeup on. As always I took my shades.

(This was her suit and makeup)

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(This was her suit and makeup)

I was drinking my banana milk. Then after waiting for a while miso came. She picked me up and went to the company.

After 10 minutes we reached. I walked inside with my shades in my hands. I was greeted by the Co-workers.

Then my eyes met a familiar figure. I quickly wore my shades and walked in my cabin with panic, but I didn't show it.

After thinking for a while who that was, my thoughts were cut off from the knock on the door. I said 'Come in' then I saw miso she said "Mam, do you need anything?" I said "Can you make me a coffee" she nodded and I smiled and said "Thank You Miso-ya". She smiled and said "Not a problem mam" I nodded.

She was going out of my cabin but turned and walked near me. I guess she has something to say so I said "What happen Miso? Is there anything to say?" she nodded and said "Yes mam. Mr Kim seokjin has come to meet you". I again was in my deep thoughts. 'So the familiar figure was none other than Seokjin'. My thoughts were cut off again from the similar voice.

It was miso. She said "Mam, are you alright? Should I say him to come next time?". I said "Ah, it's nothing. You can ask him to come in after 5 minutes". She said "Sure mam". I smiled and again thought 'Why did he come here? Did jungkook say anything to him about me? No-no I guess he came to talk about the deal. Yeah it must be that nothing else'. After thinking I said 'Okay. Calm down Hye Jin-ah'.

After 5 minute SeokJin or should I say Jin Oppa came in.

He came and greeted extending his hand for a handshake "Good Morning Miss Kim Hye Jin. What the rumors said about you is true. It's nice meeting you". I too extended my hand and said "Oh is it. Good to know you heard about me. It's nice meeting you too".

Then I signalled him to take a seat. He took the seat and I sat in the opposite side.

I then said "So Can I know the reason for your arrival today?" he said "Oh that. I have come to finalize the deal that my brother jungkook had made yesterday. Can we talk about it?". Then I said "Yeah sure".

He explained the benefits of the deal again. I listened to it. I really like the deal, now I understood more about their company and this is why their company was the No.1 company in Korea.

After explaining for 30 Minutes I said "well, Looking forward to this deal Mr Kim" and then he said "Well for celebrating this-" he was cut of by a knock on the door.

I said to 'Come in' and the person was miso. She said "Sorry to disturb your conversation but Mr Han have come. What should I do?" then I smiled and said "Oh. He came then send him in" then miso went out of the room.

He came inside I stood and went to him and hugged him and whispered "Thanks Seo Jun-ah" he hugged me back and said "Anything for my best friend". I chuckled

        ~Group conversation~

                             You (7:25am)
                                   Hey guys
                          Good morning.
Jack (7:27)
Hey Good morning.

Seo Jun (7:27)
Good Morning.
                                   You (7:28)
                              Anyone free
                     from work today?

Jack (7:28)
Nope. I have to go to the office today. Have an important meeting to attend. You seem to be tired. Any problem?

                                  You (7:29)
                   Oh okay. All the best for the meeting. Hwaiting!

Seo Jun (7:29)
I don't have work today. Today some other artist is having shoot so I'm all free :)

                                   You (7:30)
                      Oh. Then can you
        stop by to my office today?

Seo Jun (7:30)
Yeah sure;)
But why?
                                   You (7:30)
                        That's because I
            have a weird feeling so.
                    Thanks Seo Jun-ah.

Jack (7:31)
Well then I'll go. Tell me the story at night. Bye guys.

                                  You (7:31)
                 Yeah sure bye jack....

Seo Jun (7:32)
Well then bye.
Meet you at your office

                                    You (7:32)
                  Yeah Bye Seo Jun-ah.

~End of conversation and       
                 flashback ~

I asked him to take a seat beside me he then said "Did I disturb your conversation". Jin was going to say something but I said "Ah no-no you didn't disturb Seo Jun-ah".

_________End of POV _________

Jin's POV

She really kinda looks like Se Hee. Only the difference is in her name and her attitude. So I was going to invite her but this guy came out of nowhere and disturbing our conversation.

When he asked if he is disturbing or not I was going to say 'You are disturbing' but  Kim hye Jin cut me. I then continued what I was going to say "So Miss Hye Jin for celebrating this deal I invite you to our house for a dinner. You are coming right". I was hesitant seeing her facial expressions but then she said "Yeah sure but I would like to bring him with me. You won't mind right". I was thinking 'Who the hell is this guy. Is he her boyfriend or what. Anyways if he comes she will come too' so I said "Yeah sure. So tomorrow night at 8pm. If you are Okay  with it". Then she said "OK sure. Why not".

Then I left the place and went back to my office. I still have to say my brothers about this. I don't know how will they react if I say them that Jungkook was right.

_________End of POV _________

•~ To be Continued ~•

Hey guys new update here. I know it was too boring but do say how was it according to you. Thanks for reading.

Bye guys~

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