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Namjoon's POV

As she asked us about Se Hee, we looked at each other with a 'What to say' face. Then she again asked "What happen? Is she not here?". Nobody was ready to say anything so I said "Her name is Kim Se Hee. And sorry we cannot share the personal information until it is someone close to us". I smiled and said politely. She said "Ouh nice name. Okay Mr Kim, we shall take our leave".

She said and got up ready to leave but Jin hyung said "Okay. So let's talk some other day as our project continues Miss Kim". Then she smiled and said "Sure Mr Kim" she turned around following the 2 boys and said "Jack Seo Jun-ah let's go". Then we sent them till the door and they went in THE SAME CAR? Whatever. Then we came inside and started to discuss.

Yoongi hyung said "When we were near Se Hee's room I heard her say 'If not them, then who?' but whom where they talking about?" we all nodded our head in acceptance and taehyung said "Hyung we agree with you. And she really looked similar like 95% is confirmed that she is our sister Se Hee".

We all again nodded and then jungkook said "Yes hyung and to confirm that 5% we have to see if she have a mole near behind her neck and a scar in her left arm". We all again nodded as we agree to what he said.

Then jimin said "Hyung but do you know about her background?"

_________End of POV _________

Jin's POV

"Hyung but do know anything about her background?" said jimin. I thought for a while and said "OK guys listen, I'll give you some work" they all looked at me attentively.

I said "yoongi as you know little about hacking, check about where she lives" he said "네 Nae Hyung". I then Said "Hoseok-ah you and namjoon try checking her background information ". "Nae hyung" they said in unison.

"Jimin-ah gerigu 그리고 (and) Taehyung-ah you both follow her and see whom she meets and where she goes" they also nodded and said "Yes sir!".

"Jungkook-ah you and me will keep an eye on her while we are working and we will be on stand if anything happens. Okay" he said "OK hyung" I nodded.

"Okay guys our work starts from tomorrow. Now let's go and sleep" they all nodded but the maknae line said "YES SIR!!" they said while saluting like a comrade. We chuckled at their action and then we all walked towards our room. We peaked out and said "Goodnight" we said and I went to sleep.

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

We left the mansion as soon as possible because I don't want them to ask me anything about my background. I can get caught if I stutter. Mostly I don't stutter but I might.

As we left their mansion we 3 left a relief sigh. Jack said "Damn, it was close". I said "Yeah it was. Oh god why do they don't make any noise while walking. As I remember they always made loud noise while walking and I would get to know who it is if they walk".

This time it was Seo Jun driving. He kept silent. I asked "Seo Jun-ah gwenchana?". "Oh gwenchana" he said. I then said "Then why did you zone out while we were speaking?".
He thought for a minute before answering and said "I think they got to know who you are". I said "But they didn't ask anything. Because if they got to know it's me already they would ask me numerous questions".

He said "It's just because they don't want to make it obvious. Anyways whatever it is we have to be more careful now". We all nodded and Seo Jun was concentrating on the road.

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