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                 LIFE OR DEATH {2}

Jungkook's POV

It's been a week since she's in coma. I hate to see her like this but have to wait until I see her again well and fine.

It was 8 am when I woke up and as usual she did not open her eyes yet. So let me freshen up and I'll be back with my brothers. With that I left the hospital to my house.

I came home and it was the regular scene. Noona and hobi hyung trying to wake the others up.

"U came kook. Go and freshen up I'll make your breakfast. Be fast" said noona. I just nodded and went to my room.

After a good 15 mins I'm done. I came to the dining room and saw everyone there, even yoongi hyung woke up. I swear I did not see him wake up this early ever.

Anyways we had our food. The others got on Jin hyung's and yoongi hyung's car and I got on my bike, we then drove off to the hospital.

But as I was riding the bike I got there earlier than the others. I was on my way to her ward. When I got near her ward I heard the heart machine's sound going louder and faster.

I was all panicked and I ran inside and saw her breathing heavily. Her chest is raising up and down and it seems like she's having a nightmare. Never have I ever seen her In this state. I soon went and hugged her patting her back and saying all the 'Nothings' to her ears and soon the brothers joined me in hugging her but It was just making her have difficulty in breathing.

I said the hyungs to get the doctor as the heart machine is making louch sounds and it looks it might stop any minute. God please I don't want that to happen. We did not even get the time to enjoy and have a family time with her. Please god not her and DEFINITELY not Now.

Soon the doctor came and he just said us to move faster. I dont what's going on but I seriously don't want something bad to happen. Soon he started to give electric charges with some machine I don't even know what's that but he kept saying the nurse "100 JOULES NOW... NOT HAPPENING 150 JOULES NOW.... NOT HAPPENING 200 JOULES NOW... AGAIN NOT HAPPENING 200 JOULES NOW" Her chest keeps falling as a lifeless body after every charge. I and my brothers have tears in our eyes.

I just kept mumbling "It's my fault. It's my fault. If I did not leave her side this wouldn't had happened. She wouldn't be in this state." Soon I started to sob.

Hyungs are trying to comfort me saying it's not my fault but IT IS my fault.

The doctors stopped doing whatever they were doing but the heart machine-

__________End of POV__________

Se hee's POV

When I turned around I saw some deep bloody hands trying to pull me in the dark whole that is darker than the black hole in the universe. It closed my mouth making me difficult to make any sound.
I closed my eyes feeling too scared to see that creature's hands.

But I did not feel anything so I thought that creature disappeared. I slowly opened my eyes seeing 7 boys protecting me like a shield not letting them to pull me into that dark place.

But it was getting difficult to breathe. I can't breathe. I can't feel anything. I can't hear anything. PleaseI want to live. I will live no matter what... The last thing what I heard before I fell unconscious was "BE STRONG I KNOW YOU CAN FIGHT. PLEASE SE HEE DON'T LEAVE US."

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