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               OUR DAY :)

jack's POV

As she said "guys did you seriously forget what day is today" I look at Seo Jun. And he look at me too. We remember it is 22nd March, the day we first met with Hye Jin. And actually we planned what to do today too. It's just we are showing our acting skills haha.

Then she whined and started to leave. We both looked at each other, nodded and in a fraction of second we pulled her in a hug. She was confused. Then we parted from the hug and I said "Hye Jin-ah how can we forget" she then whined and said "But you don't remember" then Seo Jun said "Yah Pabo! You really think we have weak memory right" then we laughed at her angry red like tomato face.

Seo Jun parked the car we bought in the parking area and he came near us. I said "OK so let's enjoy this day" they both smiled and we 3 said in unison "YESSS!!! LET'S GO".

We decided to walk through the streets as we usually go with our car. We then reached near an ice cream stall and Seo Jun said " Guys want some ice-cream, it's my treat" we said "yes" and we went near the stall. Seo Jun went and said "1 chocolate, 1 butter scotch and 1 mix of both (Butterscotch and chocolate)"
After 3 minutes we got our ice cream and we started to walk again while licking our ice cream.

Then hye Jin asked "Want some?" and she gave a bite from her cone to both and we gave her ours too. We finished our ice cream. And we reached at an amusement park. We stood near the roller coaster. I went to take the tickets for us and came back. We sat on the first seat. Actually we 3 sat In the front seat, sounds crazy right, but yeah we sat like that. And the ride started.

_________End of POV _________

Jimin's POV

As we said our mission starts today. I and taehyung got ready we wore our mask too so no one recognizes us.

(what they wore)

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(what they wore)

It was 10am we reached at the address hobi hyung and namjoon hyung said. We looked at the place and we both said "An apartment". We looked at each other. Taehyung said "She has a good income and her company is the top so why live in an apartment?" I said "Don't know, let's see" as I said we saw a car that stopped in front of the apartment. I said "Taehyung-ah let's hide. They mustn't discover us". He nodded and we went back inside our car. We saw 2 boys getting out from the car and standing there. I asked "Taehyung-ah can you see their faces?" he said "Aniyo. Can't see". We couldn't see the faces properly as we were facing their back.

After few minutes We saw a girl coming out happily skipping. She stood in front of those 2 boys. We could see her face clearly as she was facing towards our direction but as we were hiding she couldn't see us. And we both said seeing the face "It's her".

We looked at their every action and noted it as we couldn't hear the conversation. We saw they spoke for a while and she turned around to leave but the boys pulled her in a hug. Seeing that a tear escaped from my eyes. But I wiped it immediately. Then we saw 1 of the boys was parking the car in the parking area and this time we saw his face clearly. It was that Han Seo Jun guy. I said "It's that Han Seo Jun guy so the other must be-" "Jackson Wang" we both said together looking at them.

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