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"Tell Aries she's awake."

I slowly open my eyes, met by the sight of something that looks like a hospital. A blonde woman sits in front of me, holding a bucket in her hand. The big window in front of me is covered by long, blue curtains blocking the shining sun.

I look closely at her, and she smiles faintly as she waves her hand. "Hi, " she says quietly. I tilt my head.

"Where are we?" I ask her calmly.
"We're at the little hospital located in the Sarjia-building. I furrow my brows in confusion, wanting to ask more questions, but Aries walks in.

He quickly nods to the woman, and she gently walks out of the room. He takes his seat and looks at me silently.

"Now you suddenly have a hospital in your building?" I spit out, and his face remains neutral.

"It has always been here. And right now you need the space, " he replies apathetic, and keeps strange eye contact. I scoff breaking it.

"I didn't need this whole space for myself, and certainly not your help, " I mumble and cross my arms over my torso. The bed is very comfortable and the ceiling is a big glass painting. I look at it, enjoying the pretty pattern with light colors.

He sighs quietly.
"You fainted. What would've happened if you were all alone? This is a big building, and there would be a high chance, no one would find you."

I turn my gaze towards him. The light is highlighting his hazel eyes. They are no longer hiding something lifeless. It seems like it has disappeared, gotten replaced by concern.

"I wouldn't have passed out if you would remove your hands from me when I told you to do so, " I sneer at him, making him raise his eyebrows.

"If I didn't, you would probably have it way worse than you do now, " he let out, narrowing his eyes.

I shut mine, not wanting to see him. Not wanting his presence here. I did not need him to rescue me when I didn't even need rescuing. I won't need rescuing in the future too.

"Did you dream?" He asks me briefly, breaking the uncomfortable silence in the room. I try to decide if I'm going to answer him or not. That's not your business, I want to reply, but then I remember what my mom took me here to do.

Make him fall in love with you.

I put a tough mask on, trying to cover up the fact that I'm suffering on the inside. How could she say that to me?

Now you're just some muck I have to carry around.

I press my eyelids hard together, thinking the pressure will make the memory fade away. But it doesn't work like that. I'm only torturing myself.

"Why are you asking, " I mutter, trying to keep my voice firm, but instead it trembles. Leaving me ashamed. He tugs his gaze from the outside towards me again.

I get angry at myself, for letting my voice tremble. Now he knows that something else is wrong. Something more crucial, than that I probably was dehydrated.

He clears his throat before he speaks. Maybe he's clearing his mind too. Maybe his mind is like mine. Making up stupid thoughts just to torment me. Just to make me suffer every second of the day.

Or maybe not. Maybe I'm alone when it comes to that too. But that's okay. I'm used to being alone. Isolated. Left in the shadow.

"Tears fell down your face after you fainted. So, I was just wondering if you were dreaming of something painful or sad."

His voice echoes in my ears, and I stop speaking again. Leaving the atmosphere empty. Making another silence happen. But this time, it's not uncomfortable. It's soothing. However, I don't understand why.

I blink a few times before I answer.
"Uh, " I almost whisper, not knowing what to respond or how to react. He notices my confusion and rises from his seat.

I follow him, lifting myself from the bed, unconsciously and he quickly pushes me gently down again. "You need to rest, " he explains while he smiles reassuringly.

I do as he says and slowly lay down on the comfortable bed. "You were very dehydrated, and hadn't eaten enough food. So I told Davika to come and check in on you, with food and water to make sure you get enough nutrition in your body."

His voice is back to being neutral, and the gentle is now gone. Davika. The blonde woman I saw earlier. I can't help but wonder what their relationship is.

But does he have to leave?

Maeve, why shouldn't he leave? What is there to do in here? Nothing. If I was him, I would've left too. I watch him silently, as he peacefully walks out of the room leaving me alone yet again.

After just laying here for a long while, Davika comes in yet again. The other times she hasn't said a word. Not that I tried to speak with her either. But this time, I'm tired of the silence.

"How long have you known him?" I ask as she puts the plate with delicate food placed on it. She looks at me with her mouth left open.

When she realizes that, she closes her mouth, and covers her face with her hands shy. I chuckle seeing her react that way.

"I'm sorry miss Ambrose, it was a little unexpected, " she says quietly and removes her hands from her face. A small blush, barely visible spreads across her face.

"I've known him for maybe 3 years?" She replies not being able to meet my stare. Does she think I'm scary? I study her, not saying anything. Her hair is long and curly, and her nails are short and pretty. They are white and clean, and her hands are long and feminine.

She's very beautiful.

What does Aries think of her?
I squint my eyes trying to get rid of the thought.

That's not my business.

"He's very kind, " she says again. I furrow my brows.

"Are you guys good friends?" I ask her, and she finally meets my gaze, confused by my question.

"No, we're not good friends. I'm only someone who works here, " she replies skeptical, trying to dive deeper into my question that's lingering in the fresh air.

"But you two are friends?" I ask her again. Each question becomes a bit colder each time. She's eyeing me suspiciously. And I don't break down from her stare.

"Miss Ambrose, as much as I'm enjoying this lovely conversation, my job is done here. It was wonderful to meet you. Perhaps we will see each other again, " she says, and before I can ask her any more questions she's out of the room.

A Gun To My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now