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I leave the room with thoughts pressing hard against my head. It feels like it'll explode every second. My heels click every time I take a step on the floor made of glass. The air feels much tighter, making it harder for me to breathe. My eyes fill with tears, but they can't fall. I'm not going to let them fall. Not for her.

I grip onto the first thing I feel, being the thin curtain. It's gently to my touch. I feel dizzy, watching the room slowly begin to spin.  How can she be so cruel? I lean my head against the window, focusing on my breathwork.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

"Maeve?" I hear Aries's voice ask me. He sounds concerned, and before I know it his warm hand is on my bare shoulder, making me nauseous.

"Not. Now." I snarl, gripping onto the curtain, even more, feeling my own nails cutting into my tan skin. He doesn't remove his touch but puts his other hand on my back. Bringing even more warmth onto my body. It makes me want to vomit. Warmth is the last thing I need right now.

"Maeve. I would leave you alone if your hands weren't shaking, even though they're freezing cold ..." He insists, keeping his voice calm. I try to look at his face, but feel a lonely tear run down my cheek and quickly swipe it away. My vision gets clouded, making it harder for me to see.

Anger bubbles inside my veins. I don't need your help, I want to scream until my voice cracks. Until my vocal cords snap. I want to feel the burn. The pain. Your touch is disgusting, reminding me of the only thing I once wanted. Warmth. Once, but not anymore. It's all an illusion.

I rip my body from his touch and bring my hands to my face sweeping the dripping sweat off. The fast movement, makes me stumble and I hurry to try to find something to grab onto. My hand searches the air, and I grip onto something.

As I turn my gaze, I see my hand holding onto his arm. In a swift movement, I remove it, as my lower lip tremble.

"Alora. Don't do this." His eyes are wide, flooded with tears. He tries so hard to spit the words out, but you can almost not hear them. Sabrina's hands are gripping onto my leg, and her eyes are closed with fear. I look over at my mom. Her hands are pressed around his throat.

Slowly he is trying his best to breathe. Gasping for air, but it doesn't seem to exist. Every time he tries to breathe, you would think it would fill his lungs. But it doesn't happen now. He's gasping for something that refuses to exist. For him.

Her soft hands continue to press against his throat. I cover Sabrina's eyes. "What's happening?" She whispers. I shake my head in silence, as my lower lip quiver. My teeth gnash together, letting my tears fall in silence.

I watch him continue to struggle.. continue to fight for his life. But it's no use. Slowly, but surely his small, silent gasps slows even more down. Letting his life end, while his eyes fixed at me.

I clench my jaw, not being able to say anything. Not wanting to say anything. Mom frees her hands, cracking her knuckles - slowly turning against us. The corner of her mouth is quirked up, revealing a lopsided grin.

"Y- you sicko," I press out, squeezing my eyes shut - not wanting to even look at her. A big lump in my throat grows, hurting me. Holding back the words I want to yell. There are so many things I wish she would go through right now. My whole body is in shock. Not knowing what to do with the anger stored in me. I want her to feel it.

I want her to feel my anger. Burn in it alive. Feeling the prickling hot fire, slowly kill her alive.

I hear her hysterical laugh fill the empty room. "Sabrina. Come here," she chuckles. Sabrina slowly removes her hands from my leg, leaving me alone. When they've exited the room, I fall to the floor. Letting it hit my body hard, not caring about the pain.

I cover my ears, as the sound of his last sentence repeats itself.

"Please don't."

This is the worst pain I've ever felt. Nothing can compare to this. And the worst thing is that I couldn't even do anything about it. The only thing I could do was to stand there and let it happen. Watching him fall apart. Watching my dad slowly disappear from his body. Leaving his eyes empty.

I look at him, laying on the floor. His eyes are haunting. And this will haunt me forever.


Hii, it's just me <3 I just wanted to thank you for reading my story! I really appreciate you! Thank you so much, I'm forever grateful <3

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