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"What did you mean when you told me he was listening, " I ask him. Instantly afterward the question is out, lingering in the air - his posture stiffens. He wasn't prepared for the question. For it to be asked so soon.

I narrow my eyes, taking notes of his every slight movement. He barely lifts his chin, still choosing his words carefully.

"Why were you mad in the car, " I ask again. Finally, he turns to me, meeting my stare. The lights from the windows cast lights and shadows on his face. Highlighting his hazel eyes, and showing his sharp features at the same time.

I notice his eyelashes. They are long, dark, and pretty. Girls would kill to have that feature.

"Which question do you want the answer to first?" He says, staring into my soul. I raise my eyebrows and lean back on my arms.

"It doesn't matter," I mumble, noticing the corner of my mouth turning up. Finally, I can get the answer to these questions. The questions that I've been continuously shoving back into my mind. Trying to refocus on everything else.

"I was angry because of my dad. I wasn't the one who told him that you liked flowers and trees. He had been listening to us when we talked in the garden." He leans his head on his hand.

Plenty of more questions are racing to my head, fighting for my attention. How? I didn't see him in there with us?
Aries notes my confusion and continues to speak.

"I was mad because it's disrespectful to listen to other's conversations without their permission."

I furrow my brows as I scoff. Says the one who listened to mine the same day we met. He rolls his eyes tilting his head back on the chair. Knowing exactly what I'm thinking.

"That was different. I didn't know you, Maeve. And I knew you hid something from me. And I still do. But you didn't tell me, so I had to do the job myself."

My hands clench together. That's another thing. No, it's not? You still listened to my conversation. The one thing you just said was disrespectful to do.

He probably feels heat radiating off me. The heat that makes my blood boil. The clouds outside are turning grey and flow through the sky at a quick speed. It matches what I feel. Frustration.

"The thing is ... I don't know why he would do something like that? He doesn't think you're hiding something. And he didn't even tell me about the microphones installed in the plants."

Oh. He didn't tell you about the microphones? What a shame. That sucks. They were installed in multiple plants, made for listening to different conversations. And he didn't tell you? What a big problem.

I cross my arms and break eye contact, turning my attention to the clouds. Trying to calm myself down. They are flowing towards us. The waves are getting bigger. I want to plant my feet in front of them outside, and let the wind kiss my skin. Making me forget how ridiculous Aries sounds trying to explain himself.

"Why wouldn't he tell me that. Does he think that I'm not trustworthy? He always tells me these things."

I sigh loudly, showing that I'm completely bothered by his words. He sat there two minutes ago, in precise silence. Attempting to pick out his words to form the best sentence. Only to fail miserably.

"That sucks, " I reply short. He tilts his head, and now he's not so confident anymore. His posture slouch, his hand reaches the same old pen, and he starts tapping it on the table again.


I want to rip it out of his grip and throw it in the ocean.


Is he not realizing what he's saying?


I roll my eyes as I stand up from the bed. My feet move in his direction, stopping in front of his desk, ripping the pen out of his hand.

"You. Are. Really. Stupid." I hiss, and his jaw tenses as he's trying to figure me out.  I let the words hang in the air before I throw his small pen in my hand away.

"You would use those microphones? You would agree to that? Eavesdrop on strangers?"

He doesn't say anything. Now I'm the one thinking that he looks like an idiot. He doesn't even move a tiny muscle. But that's good - because if he did, he would only annoy me even more.

"You're calling your father disrespectful because he did the exact thing you did. And the exact thing you would continue to do. Eavesdrop. And then you are wondering why he didn't tell you about the microphones, like you would use them too if you knew how to." I scoff again, and he continues to remain silent.

I stare at him. Letting the silence bother him. He doesn't have anything to say back. I win and let my stare crawl under his skin. Making him want to rip it off of him. But I'm not letting him. I want him to realize how stupid he sounds.

I continue to stare at him. Watching him get all humiliated only to try to cover it again. With the same mask he used in the museums but it doesn't work. He struggles.

And since he struggles to get the filthy mask on, it's making him show his embarrassment and guilt. Only because he got caught in a net he can't get out of. I snicker as I slowly leave his room. Letting him sit alone in his puddle of thoughts. Letting him drown in them. Just like I did.

I certainly thought highly of him.
'Finally, there is a kind, genuine person here.'
I want to scream at my past self. Knock some sense into my head.

I let myself down thinking that way. Getting my hopes up too high.
Why would I think like that?

Every person that's going to be a leader, is always cold in some way. Maybe not in the same way. But they always have some ugly splotches in their heart that's egotistical and cold.

I put my hand on my temple trying to calm my nerves. Why did I fall into that trap? Thinking he would be different.

I even felt sorry for him.
What an idiot.

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