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"No," she says strictly as she's crossing her arms. So defensive. I slightly shake my head at her response, knowing it's a lie. She has always lied. It's constantly a lie that's flowing out of her mouth. What else can I expect from her?
She's a human programmed to only care about money and power.

Quietly I exit the room and walk towards the big library. Passing every servant. I haven't seen Lucas and his friends in a while. I wonder if they're doing okay. My hand pushes the big golden door open, which reveals a beautiful light library. Every bookshelf is connected from the floor to the roof, covered in white marble.

There are glass paintings all over the ceiling with splashes of every color of the rainbow. I try to look at every book I pass, squished in between each other.

Atlas Orson.

I carefully drag the brand new book out, looking at his face planted on the cover. Noticing one of his eyes is blue and the other one grey. His hair is short and curly, and there he is. Planted on the cover of a book about himself, smiling. Looking happy.

That's what he is known for. Being extremely kind and loving. I wonder if he is, though. He's the heir of Oriella. Nation of clouds. I've seen a few pictures of Oriella. It's covered with clouds and snow. Every river is baby blue, and twinkling in the sun. It looks like heaven.

Everyone talks about how nice and loving he is, but they did the same about Aries. He was nice and loving, but he wasn't loved.
He isn't.
However, people didn't know that. I figured it out later when we became close.
It's all gone now.

I quickly slam the book back into the tall bookshelf and start to take deep breaths. Feeling the cold oxygen fill my lungs as I'm walking towards the extended window showing a small enclosure. An elegant waterfall is in the middle of the ground, covered with green flowers along with the neat grass floor.

Crystals are sparkling in the water, and pieces of glass prisms are bringing beautiful, small, sharp rainbows up towards the ceiling.

The sound of the door opening rips my gaze away from the astonishing view. My heart drops as he walks through the door in his black suit. To my surprise he still doesn't look at me, even though he knows I'm standing right here.

Instead, he walks over to the chairs and begins to browse through a book he dragged out of the shelf. I just stand here, staring at him and how he looks so royal when he's just sitting in a chair. Some of his silver hair falls in front of his face, blocking the image from my eyes.

"You stole the samira in my room."
His depressing voice makes my hands twitch. There is zero emotion in it. His stare stays steady on one page. He's not reading. Just staring at it. His eyes don't move. He's just starting at the page filled with words, waiting for my answer.

"I didn't steal it."
There. Our agreement is broken. No communication, unless it's greeting each other.

He snickers for himself, finally meeting my gaze. "You can't just walk into my room, and take some of my stuff without saying anything. That's called stealing."

I roll my eyes and lean onto the glass behind me annoyed. "I was desperate. I couldn't go to the hospital room. It would be too risky."
Gently, the book is now placed on the glass table.

"You could've said something to me before you walked right into my room. Told me something. Asked for help."
My breathing tenses as the last words escape his mouth.

"Why? Are you hiding stuff in there?"
He sighs annoyed by my question and crosses his arms. "No. This is about privacy."

"I couldn't ask you because we had an agreement,» I sneer back, knowing that I'm in the wrong. Still, I can't lose. He scoffs at my ridiculous words.

"A stupid agreement you made for a reason you never told me. Why did you end it all like that? Was it even real? What we had. Was it real?"
My mouth falls open, and I break eye contact hoping he won't see if I'm lying or not. I'm not even sure if I'm lying to myself. Was it real? What we had. Was it real?

He sees the battle in my face and continues his questioning. "How can I even trust you? After I told my father to send healers over to Insuria, you steal the samira. After that, you destroy the one, valuable affection we had for each other. The one valuable connection we had. You just...," he takes a pause, walking closer to me.

"... Ended it."
I press my lips together in both anger and guilt. "Did you even care? During all the months that have passed, you never showed any emotion towards me. You didn't even react when I told you that," I almost shout towards him as my breathing becomes even faster.

I'm trying to control everything at once. The heartbreak, the anger, the guilt. My actions. How I'm handling the situation. It barely works. "How do you think I'm going to react when you drop that bomb right in front of my face? No warnings. I didn't know if it was some kind of sick joke or not."

Carefully, he's stepping closer to me. His brows are furrowed and the emotions are carefully slipping out of his voice. He knows what he's doing. The same snake I saw when I first met him. Carefully waiting for his prey to become exhausted. Carefully peeling away all the layers to see the true one.

A Gun To My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now