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When I come up to the surface he swims in front of me, and the white shirt is not see-through. I quickly move my eyes from his chest to his eyes embarrassed. He laughs. His hair is twinkling even more in the moonlight. I look at him, observing every feature he has. Observing how elegant he is.

No wonder every girl falls in love with him.

But there is one feature on his face, that didn't exist before. The dark under-eye bags. I'm curious to know what caused that. Why is he lacking sleep?

His hand reaches mine slowly underwater. I don't know what to do. If I should pull it away and slap him, or let him hold it. His slightest touch calms me in some way. I don't know how he does it. My gaze shifts between our hands and his eyes. Trying to read what he's thinking about.

His hand slides up my arm carefully like he's trying not to break a glass. He pushes me closer to him slowly, and I can now feel his warmth. The warmth I thought was an act. Our noses almost touch and I can see his every small freckle. I can feel his warm breath.

Everything around us is freezing, but the only thing I feel is his heat. My whole focus is on him. My thoughts are focused on him. My mind is focused on him. Everything that would haunt me is focused on him.

"What are you doing to me?"
It comes out as a whisper, but he hears it. I watch his eyes being fixed on my lips. His warm hands are now gently on my back and something in me wants to embrace him yet again. However, I don't move a muscle. Instead, we're in the water, just looking at each other, observing every detail. Admiring every detail we can find.

Our noses lightly brush against each other and his soft lips delicately fall on mine. My cold chest unexpectedly fills with excitement, warmth, passion, and the once dead butterflies in my stomach are revived by new ones just like that. His heat reaches me. Restoring every wounded space in me, with pure affection.

It feels like the waves around us suddenly disappeared, leaving us floating in this perfect, magical dream. Our hands lace together, as we continue to kiss each other in the moonlight. Letting our lips press together once again. Embracing every touch. Every sensation.

His hand is now resting at my chin as I slowly open my eyes. The moonlight highlights his hazel eyes which is hazel eyes are resting on mine as he smiles. Suddenly the emptiness is gone, replaced by the joy that has been gone for a long time.

"We should probably get out of the water," he says softly. I notice that I'm trembling and that the heat that was here just seconds ago is now gone. We swim back to the shore, and my eyes automatically move to his chest again. I see every muscle that's been covered by the thin layer of fabric. Until now, when the fabric is see-through. My eyes can't seem to rip away from the sight, and it annoys me.

He snickers for himself, as he puts his jacket over my sleeveless shoulders. Water slowly drips from his silver hair onto his broad, well-rounded shoulders. As we start to walk back, every star I can imagine is out in the clear sky, shining and flickering all over. I feel his soft hand touch mine and my eyes dart to him. His gaze is fixed forward, focusing on the forest in front of us.

I let out a small laugh. "You're afraid of the dark?" A small blush spreads across his face. "A soon-to-be leader of Sarjia is afraid of everything, but the dark. It's okay, I can save you if something happens." He looks at me grinning.

"I don't need saving," he says mocking me and I frown at him. The trees are hovering over us, and the same glowing flowers are beaming lights, that light up the path. The dark doesn't scare me physically. I can stand in the darkness with my body, and not be scared. Yet, the darkness taking over me mentally, creeping into the cracks I've tried too hard to seal - is terrifying me.

Aries knows that. He knows a lot about me. He can see when I lie. He can notice when I'm sad. But he can't understand why. He doesn't realize that the only reason I'm sad, is because I'm sinking in my own thoughts. Unable to swim up to the surface to breathe ... alone.

I'm unable to swim up to the surface to breathe alone and on my own.

The only way I can escape those thoughts is if someone helps me. I can't do it alone. I'm not strong enough to do it alone, and the dream of being this marvelous, independent woman is defeated. Simply because the one and only thing I can't escape is myself.

The one and only thing I can't escape is myself.

The one and only thing I can't escape is myself.

The one and only thing I can't escape is myself.

It's me. I'm the problem.


Hii beautiful angels! Thank you for reading my book, I hope you're enjoying it so far📚 writing this kissing scene was very new to me because I've (surprisingly) never written one until now🥴 I hope you enjoyed it though, lol.

I have some questions for you guys, just to see what you're thinking and to communicate with you all!

What are your thoughts so far?

How do you feel about the different characters?

I want to thank you for reading and I appreciate all of you!🤍

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