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After a while of just sitting in silence, and watch as every new window reveals his dad - he moves his hands and looks at me. "We have to move, " he whispers and looks deeply into my eyes.

I nod and as I rise from the floor, but he puts his hand around my wrist stopping me. I look at him confused waiting for what he's going to say next.

"Maeve. Listen to me. When we're out there, you have to start acting as you don't know anything. Don't make him speculate one minor thing. Because he'll know what we saw, and where we went. You didn't see anything. This didn't happen."

His eyes are wide, showing me that he is as scared as I am. I slowly nod, and we rise from the ground together. His grip on my wrist is still there. The pressure is making me feel a bit of pricking pain, but I don't think he notices.

He is too scared to notice.
And I am too scared to care.

As we walk out of the room we get surrounded by a desert. He pushes me far away from him, and I turn towards him getting sand in my shoes. He stands there looking amazed by the view.

He is acting.

Seconds later his father stumbles into the room we're in. My heart pounds hard into my chest, and I'm pleading he doesn't hear it. "Calix, are you okay?" I press out trying to sound concerned.

Now is my time to act like my cold-hearted mother. I've put on her mask, and my true feelings of horror are hidden safely behind it. My heart disappears, and my mindset change in an immediate moment.

Calix removes the sand in his face, that is stuck in his unpleasant sweat. He chuckles and the maniac man I saw moments ago is now gone. Just like that.

"There you guys are, " he says and his eyes change. The barriers are set up again and press out the act I thought was real. The kind, loving man.

"Dad, where were you? We've been looking for you, but saw the robot got wrecked by someone." Aries's voice is the same apathetic one as the one he used when we walked in. He doesn't look at me like he did in the car.

Calix scratches his dirty hands on his head. I'm amazed by his acting skills. If I didn't know how he truly was, I would've thought it was genuine.

If Aries didn't show you who he was.

"The robot is wrecked? Maybe we should get out of here. Something sounds fishy, " he murmurs and we walk out of the building.

The car ride back is silent. Everyone is quiet, and looking out of the window. I can't stop but think about his touch. The way it was so cold.

When I first came here, he was trying so hard to show me warmth from his eyes. But he failed miserably. Now I know why. He doesn't have any warmth left in him to give to others. His father stole it all from him. Smashed it. Destroyed it. Just like my mother did with mine.

And here she is, trying to fool him. Now I understand why she wanted me to come. Calix is smart. He isn't the idiot I thought he was. She was right. Calix wouldn't agree to what she wants. But she was wrong about one thing.

Making Aries fall in love with me won't help her. He probably treats Aries as horrible as she treats me. Aries doesn't help him rule. Not at all. I can see it so clearly now.

Calix is the male version of my mom. A dreadful human being that only cares about himself and the people he 'owns'.

When we get to the Sarjia building, mom stands there in a red long dress, sitting perfectly on her, showing off her curves.

Calix is already off his way to hug her already, and surprisingly she hugs him back. Aries smiles at her, as she smiles back.

But just after Aries turns his back against her, the fake smile evaporates into an ugly sneer. I tear my gaze away from her, following Aries into the building.

I don't have time for that bitch.

He doesn't know it and continues to walk through many different hallways. It feels like a prison. It feels like he's taking me to a cell just to lock me in, and see me rot. But it's a breathtaking building. How is it possible for it to feel like a prison.

And who would let such a crazy man own this? Or even lead a country.

Aries stops in front of a big door. It has pretty glass handles on it, and right over him, there is a big chandelier made of blue glass. It's different from the rest, as it has spikes out of it. If it fell on his head he would be in much pain right now.

Aries hasn't heard me behind him this whole time. And he still doesn't know as he lays his hands on the pretty glass handle, unlocking the door with his bare touch. As he opens it, I quickly push him in with force, and close the door after me.

As I turn around to look at him, expecting him to be on the ground - his arm grips hard around my throat and I gasp for air.

Flashbacks from my father immediately pops up.

"Please don't do this Alora"

His voice echoes in my mind.

I tear the thought away as I whip my head back, hurting his jaw and he falls to the ground in a swift moment. I quickly take the knife sitting on his bedside table and sit on top of him pressing the knife threatening on his throat.

His mouth is already formed into a pleased smile.

He raises his eyebrows.
"Impressing, princess."


Omg. The end made me feel butterflies in my stomach aaah okay, anyways. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sending you good energy! Have a great day!<3

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