Something They Need

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"I get the feeling you're gonna miss me

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"I get the feeling you're gonna miss me." I chuckled as innocently as I could possibly perform.

"Yeah- well, you're not wrong." Gavin offered a surprised smile as he walked me to my motor. "We could use your presence here more often."

"Or maybe you're just in the wrong place." I murmured, treading carefully as his smile fell and he shifted uncomfortably.

"Where else would I be?" He asked.

I thought for a few seconds, wondering how far I could push. Truth is, I had grown to like him, trust him even. Maybe that's why I cared what happened to him as much as I seemed to. I knew this wasn't the right path for him.

"You're more than just an outpost head, Gavin. You're not a Savior- you're not Negan. You're better than them. You're not here 'cause you want to be. Like me- you're here 'cause you had no choice." I expressed more than I intended to, but it was too late to take them back and truthfully, I didn't regret sharing them with him. "Maybe now... you do."

He sighed, drawing a hand to his forehead before combing his fingers through his hair. "I think it's in both of our interests to forget this conversation happened." As though he was talking himself through his next movements, he stopped to the side of my bike and ushered for me to get on. "You came here- sorted out what Negan needed sorting out, an you left. That's all that happened- that's all it can be."

"You know where the Hilltop is?" To which he nodded in response. "You have any thoughts about the talk we've both forgotten, that's where I'll be." He stood awkwardly as I got myself ready to leave, firing up the engine and patted for Kai to jump up in front of me. "Who knows, maybe you'll choose to live- not just survive."

Without another word, I left.

I trusted Gavin and maybe I was wrong to do so, but I did. Having the nerve to say those words to him may well have put the entire plan in jeopardy, or maybe it sealed our chances of winning. I can't be certain from where I'm standing. What I can be certain of is that Gavin, like most of these people, does not belong beside my brother, and maybe I've shown him that.

As I rounded another corner, the wheels of my bike screeched against the concrete road and I felt myself lose control. Before I could process what was happening, I flipped away from the seat and across the road.


Hitting the ground in one heap, the heavy weight of the bike plummeted against my lower leg.

"Fu- ugh—"

With heavy breath, I cursed against my arm, biting the inside of my elbow.

"Kai- Kai..." I called through my high rising chest, finding him with a slight limp but otherwise okay. He nudged his head against my side as my fingers ran through his luscious fur. "Hey baby- you're- you're okay." Composing myself as best as I possibly could, I heaved myself forwards and examined my leg. "Okay- okay, that's not too deep- that's not too deep..." Talking to myself as if that was the only way to work through the pain. "Ar- argh!" I screamed in agony as I lifted the bike, removing the blade of metal that had pierced into my calf, and pushed it onto its other side. "Ugh- okay- okay- ARGH—"

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