Some Guy

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With four paced knocks, I waited.

You should've just killed them all, it's what they deserved—

No, don't listen to him. You did what you thought was right, trust in that.

Shaking away the inner thoughts, I sighed to myself. "The plan..." I whispered, I should've stuck to the plan. I thought my brother was as good as dead, he had to have been but an hour ago he proved that to be false. He did, in fact, survive everything I thought he couldn't. He survived and I changed the plan, meaning the Saviors are working on escaping the Sanctuary and fighting. I have no way of letting Rick know, or any of them, until it is too late.

I spent so long trying to save the people I love, even the people I didn't know and some I had come to despise. I care that much, and look where it got us. Look what I have done.

"Come in."

Composing myself, I rested my hand on the door knob, feeling the frosted metal poison my skin as I twisted it open and entered. My brother's room was larger than the others I had seen; it was dim and gloomy like everywhere else here, but characterless, which for some reason surprised me considering how he see's himself. Scanning the contents, I landed on a single plant on the far side, resting on a bookcase. I closed the door and made my way over to the set of shelves, glancing over the books and noting the lack of dust that had settled around them.

"You still read..." I murmured to myself.

Redirecting my attention to the plant, it too surprised me; looking healthy and well fed. As though there was a part of him that could care. Feathering the plant leaf through my fingers, I stared blankly at the wall, how could he care for a plant yet so little for human life?

Stop hoping.

He murdered them.

He took away the people you love.

And then he destroyed a part of you.

A groan captured me from my voices, causing me to turn and find Negan shirtless in his bathroom with the door cracked open slightly. As he rose his arms above his head to put on a fresh white top, my eyes caught sight of the large scars on his back. Looking away, I wondered why it never crossed my mind that our father did the same to him as well. The pain, the torment, the fear; he went through it too, but then he left.

"You could've taken me with you." I spoke up, making sure I was loud enough for him to hear. "Why didn't you?"

"Why didn't I take my little sister away from a hell hole that would've landed me a sentence for kidnap and landed her right back where she started?" He walked into his room, furrowing his brow towards me as if the idea was so ridiculous. "You wanted me to live a better life- so I did." I sat down in the leather chair across from his bed and rested my elbows on my knees. "Look, if- if I thought for a damn second I could've given you a better life, I would've come back for you. I wanted to, so many fuckin' times and it killed me not to. But the truth is, no matter what he did to me an mom, you were always better off there."

I looked up ti him in shock with narrowed eyes, "Better off- better off! He murdered her- he beat you black and blue- whipped you just like he did me. Please tell me how any of that shit is somehow better?"

He was taken back by my outburst, but not for my tone or how my words trailed into a yell, for the reality he had learnt; a reality he hoped I wouldn't endure like he did.

"He- he-" Stumbling on his words, he ran his cleansed hand across his freshly washed stubble. "-I didn't know he did t- that to you." Anger seeping through every word, his chest rose and fell fiercely. Without further hesitation, he paced towards me and knelt, taking my hands in his. "I would never have left you if I'd known- y- you never told me Ana."

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