Chapter 2

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      Ever since he brought me here I hated it. I was bullied terribly. Oh, and lets not talk about Mrs.Davis's torture. In her eyes I was a murderer. I killed those families. It was my fault for all of this. Just when the torture and the bullying was kind of settling down the killings started up again. This time instead of families they were orphans. People I knew and grew up with.

   After 2 days of being interrogated harshly by local police they finally called the BAU. I would have to see him again after 5 long years of torture, heartache, and bullying. He would interrogate me and think I'm a liar just like the police. I'm surprised they even let me stay at the orphanage.

   The BAU was supposed to be here at noon. Mrs. Davis gave us rules so we wouldn't expose how she really is. The rules she gave me were never the same as the others since I was a "Threat" to people around me. If I talked to the BAU without her around I would lose all privileges to college starting with my laptop.

   Just as I was preparing to go make lunch for everyone, I heard a familiar voice. One I hoped to never hear again asking for me. I heard police chief Alexandra Hornet say some pretty nasty things but it wasn't the first time I heard them.

   I ignored the comments and I quickly made my way to the kitchen but that's exactly where everyone thought I would be. As I heard footsteps I began to panic. I felt sweat slowly going down my face and I felt my body start to shake. Then they entered the room. I acted like I didn't notice them but he instantly recognized me.

   "When was the War of 1812?" he asked because he knew my love for history. He knew me like a book but yet he doesn't fully know me.

   I slowly stopped what I was doing and said, "It's June 18, 1812 to February 18, 1815." I then slowly turned around to face him. He aged a whole lot in the past 5 years. His hair was now grey when it used to be this rich dark brown color. I started to feel bad for hating him, he was so kind to me. But he left me here.

   "Hello Madeline" he spoke softer this time. Less like he was interrogating me. I looked around the room. Now it was just me and him like he used to do when I was a kid to make me relax. I decided to finally reply after a mental debate.

   "Hello Rossi"

A/N: Sorry for yet again a short chapter! But did you guys expect for it to be Rossi? I knew most of you believed it would be Reid! Well hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will be up as soon as possible!

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