Chapter 29

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     I woke up somewhere very bright. Almost everything I saw was white. It looked Heavenly.

      "Where am I?" I said out loud not expecting a response

     "You're in a better place, Honey." I turned around to see a familiar woman.

    "How do I know you? Your eyes are so familiar." I said, confused. I've seen those eyes so many times but where?

    "Take a guess." She said, She sounded so motherly. Her smile was so loving.

    I walked closer to her. Trying to bet a better look at her eyes, those eyes. Those eyes. The eyes of someone I love. The love of my life. My other half. Jack Hotchner. I began to put the pieces together.

     "Your Haley. Hotch's ex. Jack's mother." She smiled warmly as I spoke about her ex and son.

   "Yes, I am." She spoke motherly.

    "It's nice to meet you but if I'm here I must be dead. No, I can't be. I have to get back to Jack. The team. I need to get back to Jack. I-i love him. I cant leave him. I already did that once and I can't do that again." I started to freak out.

    "You're not dead yet honey but your body is starting to give up. I need you to fight for my son. My son loves you dearly. Even more than he loved me. That's saying something." She said sweetly.

  I look down smiling, I feel a blush rise upon my face.

    "I knew he loved me but I didn't know he loved me that much."

   "He loves you enough to die for you. He loves you so much he would die without you. That's why you need to fight and there's another reason why you need to fight."

    I was confused. She began to walk up to me and put her hand to my stomach.

   "No! I was just stabbed. This can't be possible. I-i can't be." I was so lost and confused. I had to be dreaming.

    "You need to fight for my grand baby," she said looking at my stomach.

   This is crazy, I'm imagining things. I Knew it.

   "I'm not pregnant. This is just my imagination."

    "If this was your imagination would I be able to tell you about things that you don't know about Jack," she raised her eyebrow, "Such as his favorite thing to do as a kid was to 'work the case' with his father. or that he hates the sound of gunshots because he heard the gunshot that killed me and it scared him from that day on."

    "I-how. This doesn't make sense, none of this does. Scientifically-"

   "This isn't about science Madeline. This is about you. Man, you sound so much like your father. I you don't survive Jack will become a person you don't want to see." She began to bleed out of nowhere. I tried to stop it but whatever I did it always got worse.

    "Tell Aaron that it's ok to move on with Emily, I love seeing his new family and I will always love him. Tell Jack I love him and I'm so proud of the young man he has become. Please take care of Jack." She said, Her eyes have become glassy. She was there but wasn't.

    "Please don't leave me. I need your help. I want to talk more, get to know you. I don't know how to be a mom. I don't know what to do. Please we still have so much more to talk about." I pleaded with her. Praying she would stay.

   "I know you are capable of this, Maddie. You are so strong. You don't need me. You have Emily and JJ there to mentor you. You are worthy of Jack's love, Madeline. Now, go to him. Fight Madeline."

   The thought of her leaving hurt me. The second time she died. I couldn't stop it. She would never see me and Jack get married. She would never meet her grandchildren.

   "Please don't leave me!" I begged.

   I watched as she was stabbed in the abdomen, same way as me. I saw a man catch her. A man I didn't recognize.

    "Ahh. You must be Madeline. I'm George." He spoke and held a hand out to me to shake. I ignored him and stayed silent.

    "Shy one I see. Jack did pick a fiesty one, That's for sure." he chuckled.

  "How do you know Jack?" I spoke protectively.

    "Oh, your boyfriend or Aaron didn't tell you about me?" he asked. I shook my head.

   "Ah. That's a shame. I'm the one that about killed your boyfriend before his father arrived and killed me. Probably out of anger since I'm Haley's killer but that's beside the point. I'm George Foyet. The Boston Reaper, most call me the Reaper." He spoke proudly about Haley's death. After realizing who he was I stepped away from him.

    "Now don't step away from me, Dearie. Despite my past I want to help ya." He's said, the thought of him helping me gave off so many red flags.

    "How? By making me stay here and never see Jack again?" I was getting angry. I wanted to go see Jack. I wanted to be in his arms and be with him at the BAU.

    "Actually, no. I'm gonna tell you what he will become if you die." He spoke seriously. I was now confused. A murderer wanted to help me. A person that he was saving the son of his victim and his killer.

   "What? What will he become? I wasn't planning on leaving him by choice you know. I love him. Plus it's not like he will become like you!" I was confused and tired.

   "Well yeah he won't become like me, he would be worse. One of the worst serial killers of almost all time. He would kill hundreds before getting caught. That's just the bodies they know of." He stated.

   "How do I know you're not lying?" I questioned.

    "I'm not, but I do have to complete my task for his 18th birthday. If you wake up or not the Reaper's legacy will come to reap him. You will have to help him cope because soon he will see his mother being killed by me. He will go through something so ugly that will bring you two closer." he said. So much to take in. I began to drift off.

   "Now wake up!" Foyet said while clapping, causing me to wake up from whatever dream I was having.

   I woke up but I wasn't awake. I woke up to darkness. Not able to open my eyes. Not able to move my limbs. I felt frozen in darkness. I hear people talking. People I know and love. They were talking to an unknown voice. If only I could talk to them.

   I heard beeping going off and I began to see the bright place again.

  I heard someone speak, "She is coding."

    I heard the team yelling and crying.

   Next thing I know I'm back to the bright place.

A/n: Will she survive this? Will Maddie and Jack get to have their future together. Will Jack find someone new? Will Madeline ever wake up? Continue to read to find out!! Thank you guys for 2.8k reads!! It's crazy!! Love each and everyone of you ❤️.

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