Chapter 17

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*Beep* *Beep*

   I heard a monitor going off, I slowly opened my eyes to a white colored room. I instantly recognized it as a hospital.

   "Oh, Doctor, she is up!" a ginger nurse said surprised. I continued to look around the room.

    "Well you are awake, lets see what you remember." a young man with dark hair and eyes asked, "What's my name and where are you."

   "Well based on my surroundings I'm in a hospital and you're a doctor." I said blatantly.

   "Ok, so some memory loss." He said writing notes in his notebook.

    "Memory loss? That shouldn't be right." I said

   I looked at the calendar and see it's only the next day after my beating. I remember everything except him.

   "Yes, memory loss. Here I will fill you in on everything." the doctor said.

   "I am Malachi Jackson, but you can call me Dr.MJ."

   The name was setting off alarms in my head but my head hurt to bad to figure out why.

     "You're in here because your father beat and raped you and then dumped you on the streets outside your apartment. You lost his baby." This confused me even more.

     "That is not true. My father was not home. My boyfriend did this, not him. Where is Rossi or the rest of the team? Baby? What baby? I want to talk to them!" I said confused and scared.

     "No, it was your father! and you can not see them either because they are friends with your abuser." he said sternly.

     "Boss, they are here again." the red head walked back in with a worried voice.

      He put a high dosage of medicine in my IV and then walked out and closed the door to my room. Before I passed out I heard the doctor talking to a familiar voice.

    "I'm sorry but she just isn't ready to see any visitors right now." Dr.MJ said.


 I woke up in the middle of the night to tapping on my door.

  I looked up and saw someone at the door, so I got up.

   "Rossi," I said. putting my hands on the sliding glass door.

  I started banging on the door.

    "Rossi, you have to help me please. They won't listen to me. they lock me in here. Please help me." I said desperately

    "Kid, I will get you out I promise." Rossi said and then a security guard came and drag him out.

   I started to put the pieces together. Not only does this guy not listen, he drugs me, he is a Jackson. He is here for revenge. He wants revenge on my father. As Rossi was being dragged out, Malachi came in.

   "Get off me, I don't want it. Please, respect my beliefs. I don't want it, I don't want it, please, please." I scream as they pin me to the bed and restrain me, slowly dosing me with some meds.

   I wake up to the doctor sitting on my bed rubbing my leg.

   "Why are you doing this?" I said in a shaky voice.

   'You know, your father put mine away a long time ago, he made my family fall apart. So me and my brothers plan on breaking every important thing to him. Starting with you and his job." he said.

    "Good thing I walked in right on time." Rossi said with handcuffs. He arrested the doctor and handed him to the police.

     Tears threatened to spill as I hugged him. He comforts me. It felt amazing to see someone I knew and felt safe around for the first time in these dreadful couple days.

   "Who did this?" he asked softly.

    "I'm not ready for that conversation. Rossi I need you to fake my death, but you have to tell them here so I can get their reaction. I need to know they still care one last time."

   "Yes I will, but don't you think It will be hard hearing their sobs and cries." He asked as tears were on the brim of his eyes.

    "Please don't let anything happen to dad." I asked him as tears start to fall.

    "You know they are going to continue to keep him put up until you say its not him or we can prove it." he said, concerned.

  "I know but this is the best way right now." I said.

  "I will miss you Rossi." I said.

    The team was on the way, including Reid. Rossi was putting me in one of the houses he lived in during his retirement located in Florida. He wanted me there because the team rarely went there for cases and it was the safest place for me.

    I heard the BAU arrive. The curtains to my room were closed and no one could see in so I could just sit and listen. My door was locked.

   "Dave, why did you call us here?" I heard Hotch say.

    "Rossi, please tell me how she is, I need to see her." I heard Reid say, but I also heard what sounded like some officers telling him to shut up.

    "I-she um.. I don't know how to tell you guys this." Rossi said in a very shaky voice, sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

   "She passed away from a brain bleed." he said as I heard several sobs.

    "NOOO, Maddie, nooo. my child." I heard Reid weep after sobbing.

     I heard crying and wails and pleas for this all to be a trick. I felt horrible and I couldn't even tell Jack but this was the best for me.

   After a couple hours Rossi came and took me to his retirement house.

   Once we arrived he gave me money for food and clothes and kissed the top of my head and pulled me into a hug.

    "I love you kid, I know that Reid didn't do this to you. I will protect him as best as I can and keep him out of the system, but you're the only one that can put an end to this." I just nodded

    He continued on,"I changed your college name because we all know Garcia will keep checking to see if you're alive, I got you new accounts and passwords for all schooling, tv networks, and online library access."

    "Be safe, if you need me, call me on your burner. The key is under the mat." I just nodded and started to walk away but turned around quickly.

   "Rossi, it would be a good time to open that letter I gave you 4 months ago!" he just nodded as I walked in.

    This was going to be the best and worst thing to happen to me.

A/n: what do you guys think? Will she ever go back? what will happen to her dad? Will Rossi spill the beans? Will Penelope figure it out? I'm sorry this is so choppy but It's supposed to be! My goal is for people to send this to CM writers, cast, producers, directors, etc. and hopefully get another season started up. That's just in my dreams but it still would be cool. Follow my Insta: @a.j.mckinley24 and share this story please!

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