Chapter 36

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    We arrived back at the station. Garcia was flying in to watch JJ while we finished a case. When JJ was being put in the ambulance, Hotch got a call about another baby.

   As we walked in I instantly walked to a storage closet. Soon as I shut the door I began to sob. I slowly slid down the wall. Begging for my heart to stop aching.

    Soon after I got in the closet Hotch dragged Jack into the closet. Probably to yell at us. He told us to not have grandchildren anytime soon but here we were.

    "Come here kiddos," Hotch said, shocking me and Jack.

    "I'm so sorry, I wouldn't let you guys on the case if I knew." He squeezed us tight as more tears ran down our faces.

    "Wanna talk about it?" Hotch asked.

    "Not right now, Dad. Maybe when we get home." Jack said, I was thankful to wait.

    We walked out and just by my dad's body language something wasn't gonna go well.

    "Ok, What the heck is going on with you Madeline." Reid started to shout.

    "One minute you won't say a word, the next you're sobbing. So please enlighten us." Everyone seemed shocked at Reid's reaction.

     "I was pregnant."

     "We know Madeline. We were all there in the courtroom when you told us." Reid said.

    "No, I lost Jack's baby." Everyone froze. Except Hotch, Rossi, and Jack. How Rossi knew, I don't know. As he says it was probably his Italian skills.

     "Y-you were pregnant." Emily asked.

    "Yes, I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage. I hid myself in my room blaming myself." I said, people started to look at me in sadness.

    "Madeline I didn't know." Reid said, guilty.

     "I know you didn't know. I was pregnant before you found out about Jack and I's relationship. I found out after being stabbed in the hospital. I was 3 months when I-i miscarried." Tears began to form.

     Reid began to freak out. I have never seen him do this before. He put his hands on his head like he was having a terrible headache and was holding back tears. He began to hyperventilate.

     "Hey kid, calm down!"Derek stated.

     "No, I lost them. I lost 2 grandchildren and a woman I loved since I can't even remember!" Reid shouted.

     "Reid, you need to calm down." Hotch said.

    "No, I loved her. I can't lose her." He yelled.

     "Dad, I know you love her but she needs you to be strong. For her and her kids." I spoke softly, trying to calm him down. It worked but we were on edge.

    "Who is gonna call Henry?" I asked.

   "I will." Jack stated, as he went to make the call.

    I understood what it was like finding out you lost a parent and one is on the verge of death but the difference between Henry and I was he had his whole life worth of memories. While with my dad I only have memories since we met, and my mom was never around. So the pain he was feeling was understandable but unfathomable at the same time.

    As I hugged my father my mind began to wonder. Will my life ever be normal? Will I ever find peace?

     Once we caught the killer, who was a disgusting man. We flew JJ to the closest but best hospital near Quantico. Then we all flew home. The next couple weeks were gonna be hard on all of us.

A/n: Will JJ survive? Will MAddie be able to overcome her mental state? Or will she end up like JJ? Thank you guys so much for the love and support the past couple months, my life has been so chaotic lately!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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