Chapter 19

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    We arrived at the courtroom. Elle stayed in the car because she didn't want the team to see her.

    I came fashionably an hour late. I did this on purpose. Make it seem like I wouldn't show up and make sure everyone would be there. I doubt they would recognize me with a full face of makeup and my hair not frizzy as usual. My wavy-ish curls under control for once thanks to Elle.

   I walked in the building with confidence. I won't let nobody drag me or my family through the mud. I won't be the pity and sad girl anymore. I'm gonna be the girl who fights with boldness. I will face my attacker with no fear.

   I walked to the security guard, "Excuse me, Can you point me toward the courtroom for the Spencer Reid case."

   "Yes, and may I ask if you have been here before because you look quite familiar." The guard asked politely.

     "Oh, you would know me because of the news. I'm Spencer Reid's daughter." I said as I walked.

   I noticed the guard stop in his tracks, "You are supposed to be dead!"

   "And you are supposed to be showing me where the court room is." I said getting slightly annoyed because I don't want to be too late.

   "Right" he replied and he began to open the door.

    "Stop, give me a second, I'm kinda nervous." He waited until I gave him a signal to open the door.

  15 million things flooded my mind.

   I heard Reid testifying, "I know who did it but I-i just can't prove it!"

  I nodded my head. He motivated me to go on

   The doors began to open and I started to walk with the most confidence I ever had.

   The sound of my heels and the doors opening caused some people to look back. As I got closer people began to gasp. None of the team noticed me until Adam spoke.

   "y-you're supposed to be dead." he ran up to me pretending to be lovey-dovey but I stepped back.

   Mrs. and Mr. Davis didn't like it when I did that but I kept my head held high. How they got out of jail is unknown to me.

   The team looked at me mouth a gape, except Rossi who was smirking. Reid was at the stand with his head in his hands. He looked exhausted and looked skinnier and paler than before.

  The judge spoke up, "Who are you?"

   I smirked, "Madeline Diana Reid, the only person who knew what actually happened."

   Reid looked up, tears threatening to spill. Yet he still was able to make a smile appear on his face.

   I looked at them, "What you think I would leave you now, the fun just begun. Oh and Prentiss thanks for the idea!" is spoken comically which only Rossi found funny. I was just trying to lighten up the mood.

   "Anyway that's not why I'm here, Judge. I must ask you to let my father go." I say confidently.

   Adam shot up and grabbed my arm. Making me flinch.

    "Sir, She is just really tired and not thinking clearly, let me take her home." he spoke with so much persuasion.

    I got my arm out of his grip, and put my case on the table next to Fiona Duncan, my fathers lawyer.

   "I'm not thinking clearly? if you were thinking clearly we wouldn't be here in the first place!" I spoke loudly.

   "Ma'am sit down! You obviously need help." said the lawyer who was going against my father.

   "Actually I decide who sits down so please, Madeline, go on." the judge said. I nodded a thank you.

   "For months, I hid in shame and fear. For months I grieved and cried out but the past couple months made me stronger." I said looking at the team who were interested in my story.

    I began to pace around the room like someone who is giving a speech to thousands, "My whole life I was abused and raped. In foster homes and at the orphanage the Davis's ran" pointing at the Davis family.

    "It went from Mr. Davis raping me to his son, Adam. They forced me to accept him as my boyfriend, each time I said 'no' I was beaten and/or raped, if I tried to break up with him the beatings would be worse." I spoke strongly, yet I felt like falling to the ground sobbing. Not able to look the team in the eye.

   "You have no proof of any of this..." he spoke but I interrupted.

   "Thank you for reminding me," I spoke while walking over to my case and opening it, getting a rape kit results and my deceased child's DNA results out.

   I held the papers up, "Three months ago I found out I was pregnant with Adams baby, I got a rape kit done. These are the results, and Adams DNA is already in the system so you can see it is a perfect match."

   "When I told him he beat me senseless in the alley beside my house, and here we are in this courtroom!" I said strongly.

   "The doctor was a son of a famous killer named Max Jackson. He worked with the Davis family to frame Reid. The only nurse who was nice to me and knew what I was going through got a DNA test of my child," I started to speak but tears began to form, I took a deep breath and continued on.

   "My dead child, that you killed." I looked at Adam.

   "You may have taken my child and years from me but you can't take away my family, my future, most especially me." I spoke with so much venom it could kill someone instantly.

   "I made you into who you are." He said sternly.

   "No, I made myself. You just helped me officially decide my career path. Putting people like you away! Oh and we are officially over!" I said, smirking.

   I had walked away, I felt like fainting from all the stress but I felt an embrace of a hug I needed.



    Both of us had tears running down my face. Not caring what's going on but us being reunited. I began to feel more and more people join the hug. I'm with the people I care about! the people I love! Nothing can get better than this.

  "I declare the Davis family guilty!" I hear cheers on the side of my father.

 I was finally free!

  I was


A/n: AHHHHHH! We're already halfway through with this book!!! I can't wait for the second half!! Please tell me some case ideas because I only have 2 ideas and I need more!! I hope you guys enjoyed and will give this chapter a vote and share this story! Don't forget to add me on Insta:@a.j.mckinley24

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