Chapter 9

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    I ran down the corridor into my section. I hear Reid and some of the other team whisper shout after me but I ignore them.

   I go to my bookshelf and take the 4th book out in every row as the team comes into my room.

   "How does he know what my bookshelf looks like, Rossi? He has been in my section, my room! He has seen me sleeping! He saw my bookshelf and all my stuff!" I say while going through all the books that had a chapter 30 and reading them.

   "Madeline, calm down what are you doing. Plus he can't kill you or hurt you. We will be with you the whole time." Rossi said as he was trying to profile me. Trying to figure me out.

   "He said the numbers like a bible verse, not a time. He has obviously seen my books and knows them pretty well so that means one of the 4th books in one of the rows and in chapter 30 should tell us something." I said almost out of breath and continued to search my books.

   While I was looking through my books I overheard JJ whispering to Emily, "Man, she sounds like Reid!" and Emily agrees but I just ignore their comment.

    I then got to Rossi's book. He gave them all to me a couple years ago for my birthday. All of them signed of course.

   Then I turned to chapter 30 of his book. The chapter was called, 'Montgomery". It was named after the serial killer, Martin Montgomery, known for suffocating his victims.

   "Guys, this is it. The next killing will be by suffocation at 4:30am and there will be surprise at 11am" I showed them the book and they agreed. I sat down on my bed, obviously stressed, I put my head in my hands and took a deep breath.

   Reid decided that I needed to take a walk outside so we took a walk. I decided this is the time to ask Reid about Prentiss and Hotch.

  "Hey Reid"

   "Yes, Madeline?" he says while looking at the stars

   "What is going on between Hotch and Prentiss?" I say with curiosity.

   He looks at me in shock, "What do you mean?"

    "Well when I was talking about my foster family's murders I saw Hotch kiss Prentiss on the head. Then when they are investigating a crime all of you take glances at each other but they do it more often with each other than they do with anyone else! Are they dating?" I said

   "Oh my I never noticed! I think there is something going on." said Reid, More likely confused probably because he never put the pieces together.

   "Oh and how many kids does Hotch have because his body language he used early to grab my hand showed that he has more than one kid." I said fast for some reason.

   "I've noticed that before but I only know he has a son your age." That got me thinking. Then an idea came to mind.

   "Reid, I need to go back." I say quickly while jogging back to the orphanage.

   I heard Reid behind me as I slammed open the door. The police pointed guns at me and Reid but noticed it was us and let us go. We ran to the spare room where the team was set up. I saw that Garcia was on the computer so I ran to her.

   "Garcia, Nice to finally meet you but I have a favor to ask! Can you please print photos of all the victims so far?" I said quickly and everyone looked at me oddly.

   "Of course sweetie. They should be printing now!" I thanked her and went over to the printer, got the papers, and started hanging the photos on the board.

   "I was right. I'm the one they are after. I'm the one they want to kill or mock or mimic." I say and start pointing at the victims. "They all have similar features and they are all good students with good grades!" I say

   "Maddie is right. When all need to be careful and make sure she is safe, the killings could happen anytime now according to the note." Morgan says while he looks at each of us. I see Prentiss get closer to Hotch. While Reid and Rossi got closer to me.

   At 4:32 we got a call about a killing in a section near mine.

   We rushed down the corridor and when I walked into the room I instantly froze. I then pushed through the crowd of kids and agents and ran down to the back door. I ran out and went to our tree. We used to secretly meet here to talk. We also used to stay up late and talk. She was my friend. The only person I had here.

   I fell to my knees and sobbed. I feel warm tears fall down my face while arms wrap around me. I wrap my arms around the person and lay my head on their chest and by the smell of cologne Reid is the one comforting me.

  "She was my one friend" I said between sobs.

   "Rossi told me, I know, I know." Reid said, comforting me.

   After a while I walked into the orphanage with Reid emotionless. Straight face and not a care for the world. When I walked in I noticed they had just given the profile. Rossi then began to talk about Meredith.

   "Since Mrs.Davis won't let us see any of the children's files, Madeline told me about our recent victim a couple years ago. Her name is Meredith Grant, she is 12 I believe, her parents are unknown to Madeline and Meredith. Same MO and same features and skills as Maddie as usual. Killed by suffocation and found around 4:30 like the note said" Rossi spoke softer knowing that I was listening but I don't care. I felt like I was drowning in guilt.

   After the team and I talked for a while I decided to study for a test in my text book since Mrs.Davis destroyed my laptop. Around 11 I went to put my stuff up and I saw it. A note on my bed. Yet again in code but this time it was a different kind of code called tap code.

  I started to read the note and it said, '2421 543445 52113344 44232443 4434 153314 424533 24334434 442315 434442151544 113314 221544 232444 1254 442315 124543 4423114443 1112344544 4434 2234 125415 2433 21245115 32243345331543' (If you want this to end run into the street and get hit by the bus that's about to go by in 5 minutes).

   I dropped the note and ran as fast as I could.

A/N: What do you guys think is gonna happen next? Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Sorry if this seems rushed. Please give feedback.

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