Chapter 12

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   I saw the door slam shut and felt my body being dragged down the stairs. He took me outside through the emergency exit and slowly dragged me into the alley. The reason he went so slow is probably because I was trying to kick and punch him so I could get away but he was a muscular man.

   Once we were in the alley he threw me to the ground. I looked around and saw no way out. The only way out is to pass him. He planned this out perfectly. He knows no one around here starts waking up until 7, so no one will likely see or hear me.

   "You know you have gotten so beautiful over the years, just like your mother. Oh and you definitely got your father's intelligence!" He said with a grin.

   I started to stand up while I looked at him in shock, "How do you know parents? Who are they?" I said quickly hoping I would get an answer.

   "Oh, what's the fun in that? I rather see you suffer like I did. Your father and some other agents put my father in prison and you see I was left to raise them all alone, my poor siblings." He said as he started getting closer to me.

   I debated if I should run, fight, or just listen.

    He continued, "You see I suffered and now I want you to suffer. By killing your parents in front of you. Yet, you only met your father and not your mother. So then I began thinking why don't I just kill you. It would cause your parents even more pain especially if I record it." he said pointing to a camera.

   He then took out the knife he used on our recent victim, Alexis Monroe, and started tracing it on and under my chin with her blood still on the knife. He then lifted my chin with the knife. I tried to look at him without any emotion but I just found out I met my dad before! I just found out he knows who my parents are and I don't!

   "You know you were a mistake. You were a result of a one night stand. You're so lucky to be alive but all you do is mope and cry like a little baby." He says while putting the knife down and getting a different weapon, his gun.

    I hear the emergency exit creak open but I don't think he notices until he puts the gun to my head. "I think I should blow your brains right here right now and let the whole BAU watch. Then I'll show your parents the video." he says laughing. This guy is reminding me of Joker and lets hope the team is like Batman.

   "Pull the trigger." I said I saw his reflection in the broken mirror beside the dumpster. He looked so surprised. I then yelled it this time. " You heard me! Pull the dang trigger."

   Little did he know that was a code word for me and Derek to communicate with each other if I was trapped or in trouble. Then I saw the team round the corner. Reid jumped at the sight of seeing a gun to my head. Rossi told me he hated seeing guns pointed to peoples head because a similar thing happened to a girlfriend of his and she died.

   I then looked at Reid in the eyes hoping he would understand what I was thinking, "I want to die. Just shoot me. It will make everything better. It will make everything better for everyone! Just freaking pull the dang trigger Max!"

   I heard the gun click and then I heard Rossi Yell "Put the gun down Max"

    "Move back now or I will shoot her," Max said angrily, tightening his grip on me.

    "Hotch," Rossi said. Hotch was the sharpest shooter on the team.

    "Got it" He said confidently while stepping in front of Emily to protect her.

  "He will miss" He said confidently.

   "What's the probability of that" Rossi asked me.

   I look around nervous. I have never been able to talk 'smart' and now I'm able to! W-what if I mess up? What if I do something wrong? That's when Reid stepped up he must have noticed I was nervous.

    "Maddie, I know your whole life you have been told not to talk or think like I do but you can. Right here-" He was then interrupted by Max

   "Shut up, You shut up" he yelled but Reid ignored him and kept talking.

   "Maddie, You can prove everyone wrong right here right now. Maddie, What is the probability of Hotch missing."

    "Crescent moon, decent light and based on the temperature, humidity and wind, including all angles possible, 95.8%." I say while double checking the calculations. The team was pretty impressed.

   "Shut up Madeline! Move back or I will do it!" He sternly said as I felt the gun press against my head harder.

   "Hotch '' Reid shouted and he took the shot immediately, didn't even hesitate.

  I heard his body drop to the ground and I looked over and saw the blood trickling down his face. Hotch ran over and checked his pulse while Reid and Rossi ran up to me and hugged me, I started tearing up.

   "It's over. IT'S OVER!" I yell as the team chuckles. We break the hug and I let out a big huff.

    "I feel like I just came out of an episode of NCIS" The whole team laughed except Reid.

   "What?" Reid said, confused.

   "I'll explain it to him." Rossi said.

     It was time to go home. It was time to go pack and get ready to go with Reid. Soon I will be a Reid. Soon I will be adopted by him and we will become a family. I walk into the Orphanage and see Mrs. Davis being dragged out by police. Then the Chief, Sheriff, and head officer all come up to me and apologize. Of course I accept the apology.

   I go back up the stairs and start packing. I heard Queen Bee wailing for her mother but I muted her out and continued packing.

    Once I was done I walked down stairs with my stuff which isn't much. I walked down the driveway to the car Reid and Rossi were in. Rossi took my stuff and I looked back at the orphanage. Kids are being put into cop cars and ambulances. After years of praying, pain, and torture Im finally free.

    "They will get wonderful homes. We're making sure all of them don't go to abusive homes. We're doing our best for all of them." Rossi said and I hugged him and he took that as a thank you.

   "I forgive you for putting me here" He just smiles and nods.

    I get in the car. Rossi was driving (Pray for us), Reid in the passenger seat, while I sat beside JJ. When I got in I heard JJ say something about shopping and nodded totally zoned out while a million ideas flooded my mind. We started driving down the road and I didn't look back. Happiness was heading my way.

A/n: What do you guys think?  What do you think will happen next? Also this is not the end, it's just the beginning. We have a lot longer to go. I hope you enjoyed! Oh and I just completed my first few days of Sophomore year and I already want to drop out!! Anyway hope everyone has an amazing day and hope if you're in or out of school you will do well and achieve all your goals!

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