Chapter 31

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   "Jack." I said.

    Rossi looked up, "I can still hear her saying our names. I miss her beautiful voice."

   "Jack. Rossi." I shouted. This time they looked up.

    "Madeline!" Jack shouted. Looking at Garcia's screen.

    "Madeline, I didn't mean what I said before I was just angry and I took it out on you." Henry continued to ramble.

   "Henry, I know you didnt. I was just overwhelmed." I said.

     "You had us all worried kiddo!" Rossi said.


     "W-what did you do?" He asked

   "You lied to me. You didn't tell me you had a wife. Nor the fact you had a son."

    "Madeline I was gonna tell you about the wife once things calmed down and How do you know about my son? No one knew about that except Caroline and she is-"

   "She told me. I was in this weird vision thing and it was very bright. I met 3 people and saw someone I don't particularly like. They all died."

   "Maddie, you can't talk to dead people." Reid spoke.

     "So you think I'm crazy?" before anyone could reply my world went black.

   I heard doctors saying I was coding but all of the sudden I woke up in a place I wish I would never see again. The bright place.

   The bright place was bright but wasn't as quiet as before. I turn around and see people arguing. People I recognize. My foster parents.

   Before I could walk up to them I was stopped by someone putting their hands over my ears and eyes. I flinched and tensed. I turned around to see someone I loved since I was a kid.

   "Timothy!" I exclaimed

     "Hey, Mads!" He smiled.

   "I missed you so much! I wish you were still alive so you could see all my accomplishments!"I stated, rambling.

     "I have seen each and every accomplishment and failure you have ever made! You always took my advice that failure is the steps to success. Let me tell you I'm so proud of you! Despite all the stuff you went through, you still push on! I'm so proud!" he said, pulling me into a warm and comforting embrace.

   "Thank you!" I smiled

    "I'm also excited to become an uncle." I laughed at him acting like a child who just got told they could get an ice cream cone.

   "Is this real? Am I really pregnant?" I said, speaking of some of my doubts.


   "What if I'm not ready to be a mom? I asked. Timothy looked at me with a look that said shut up.

   "I have literally seen you raise my other siblings. Also along with the way you treat and act around children. You are gonna be an excellent, no, extraordinary mother." He ranted, and I smiled at his compliment. I wished I was able to see him as an uncle. He would be an extraordinary one.

   "Please keep fighting, Madeline. Your father will be married someday and he will have more children, your siblings. They want and need you, Madeline. if you don't make it, you won't be that vital thing in their life." He said in a voice I never heard before.

    "How? They have my dad and whoever the mother is." I questioned.

    "Yes, but if you die you won't be able to hold the team and your family together. You are now the glue, Madeline. Your father and stepmother would kill themselves and leave the kids to be orphans. Do you want that? Do you want them to go through the system like you did?" I never realized my life impacted so many. I never realized my life was so important. Even if you never notice, there are many people who would be impacted if you die. I shocked my head at my foster brother.

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