Chapter 39

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   Day by day.

    I sat by his bed, praying for him to survive.

   I held his hand and each time I did his skin became pale and colder. All life was being drained from his body. Each day he was proving the doctors wrong. Each day they would come in bearing the news he would die today, but he didn't. He fought harder than I ever had in my life. Maybe it was for me, his father, his siblings, the team?

   Hotch and I stayed here everyday. Nothing the team did convinced us to leave, we wanted to be there when he passed. We never left unless it was to shower or use the bathroom, which luckily for us there is a bathroom attached to his room. We barely eat, talk, or sleep. The only reason those things have happened is because the team has forced us.

    I remember the night we had all said our first goodbyes to Jack. Everyone was a mess. I shutoff my emotions, knowing I would explode once he died. I remember the sobbing, the yelling, the kids' confusion. I felt bad for them, if only I had destroyed the dvd in time.


   Weeks have gone by, Jack continues to defy the doctor's word. Hotch and I both decided we would get back to work. Each day, unlike what the doctors said, JAck began to get better. HIs skin was slowly turning its normal color. He no longer needed a ventilator. Doctors say with this rate he may not need physical therapy.

   Today, Rossi planned a team building exercise at an Italian restaurant. The building exercise is how to tell good pasta from terrible pasta. I know it's weird but it was a good distraction from everything that has happened.

   I walked into the BAU, many whispers and stares spread across the building. Since Jack and I fought and ignored each other, people are saying I was the one who stabbed Jack. The whole team has told them differently but no one listens. People still believe im a murderer.

   I quickly rushed up to Rossi's office to see when we were heading out but was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist. I swiftly turned around to see my father. A look of sadness appeared on his face.

   "W-what's wrong? What happened? Where is Hotch? Is Jack okay?" Questions just blurted out of my mouth.

   "Jack is awake, but he doesn't remember most of the team." Reid sadly spoke.

   "D-does he remember me?'' I stuttered.

   "By name, no." My father shook his head. Tears were building up in a dam for so long, I'm not sure how much longer the dam can hold back all these tears.

   Derek drove Reid,Garcia, Henry, JJ, and I to the hospital as quickly as possible. Once there we all gathered into the small room.

  I refused to look at Jack. I overheard Hotch's conversation with my dad. He doesn't remember that his mother died. He didn't know about his siblings. He barely recognized Hotch, and Hotch was his dad for goodness sake. So what if he forgot me! The probability of it is looking higher every minute I hear Hotch speak about his son's stability. The doctors were still not sure if it was permanent or temporary memory loss.

   One by one the team interrogated Jack. He barely recognized Hotch, but he asked for Haley. JJ looked familiar but he didnt know how or who she was. Reid was his uncle but that's all he knew. He has a very small memory of Prentiss, calling her mom. He didn't know her name or the fact she had his siblings and is with his father. Rossi was his uncle and he knew his name started with a 'R' but that was it. He recognized Garcia as Pen, his childhood nickname for her, but no memories of her popped up in his head. He just knew her as Pen. Derek, he knew well, he knew he was his uncle but didnt know his name. He had a few memories running and playing ball with Derek but other than that nothing. Henry, he knew him as a cousin, he remembered saving him right before the house and car exploded several months back when one of the Jacksons were after us. He didnt say a word about me.

   Now, it was my turn. No one said a word, they just kept glancing at me. All giving me pitiful looks, probably praying that I wouldnt break yet again.

   "I can't do this." I whispered and walked out of the room.

   "Out of everyone in that room, if he was gonna remember anyone it is you." Hotch must have followed me.

   "How do you know that. W-what if he forgot about me? What if this is permanent? How can I tell him about all the horrors we went through. Hotch, I can't do that. I can't live through all of that again." I desperately say.

   "That makes the chances of him remembering you even higher. You two have been through hell together. That creates a bond that even I can't create with my son." He spoke passionately about our love.

   "Dad siad you guys already tried asking about me and he didn't remember." I tried to contradict Hotch's words.

   "Yes, We asked him by the name Madeline and Maddie. We all know that you guys have millions of names for each other." We both chuckled, probably both thinking of a memory of Jack calling me a stupid name.

    We stood there in silence for a few minutes. Staring out a window, watching the thousands of cars passing by. The sun leaves us to just come back yet again the next day. One thing I learned over the years: no matter what happens, the world will continue to turn. It's up to you to make every day a new chance for a new opportunity.

  I must have been deep in thought, because the sound of Hotch's deep and stern voice brought me back into reality. Back to my problems.

 "You are our last hope, Madeline. No matter what happens in that room we will be there for both of you the whole way." I nodded and pulled Hotch into a hug.

  "Thank you Hotch."

   I walked back into the room, all eyes on me. Even Jacks. His eyes were just as gorgeous before, just as curious and enchanting.

   You could feel the tension in the room rise as we stared at each other. Brown and Blue staring deep into each other's souls. We have done so many times before. I watched as his forehead creased, obviously trying to conjure memories of me.

   "Mads?" He asked. Everyone in the room gasped. Tears filled my eyes. I walked to him.

   "Jack." I smiled. He smiled back.

   "Kiss him. Maybe a true love kiss is real and he will get his memories back." Garcia loudly whispered causing the team to laugh. I took it as a happy excuse to kiss him.

   I leaned in to kiss him but was pushed away. He looked at me disgusted.

    "I have a girlfriend. Her name is Addie." 

A/n: who is Addie? did he cheat on Madeline? Will he ever be alright?? Will Maddie and Jack be able to make it through this? What will happen to Rossi the next time he runs into a little kid?

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