Chapter 18

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     Dear Madeline,

                                     The team has had a rough couple months. Derek blames himself for not talking to you! He knew the signs of what you were going through, he broke down once and he even went off on Reid, but Garcia put him in his place as usual. Garcia has been a mess, she is tired of 'losing' her loved ones. As you already know she has been trying to find a way to see if you faked your death like pretties did many years ago. Prentiss is shooken up and wishes she can do more. She considered you as a niece and misses you. Her and Hotch came out as official. We all knew there was chemistry there but you being you always knew more than me. They have been together for years and they have kids together which is crazy. Hotch has gone into a dark place, blames himself like most of the team. He hides it from everyone, especially his kids. Speaks only when he has to and only to his kids and Prentiss. Not only has he had to deal with you being gone, his son's friend went missing out of nowhere and he has been distraught. So he has to take care of his son. JJ and Will miss you terribly, she wanted you to meet her kids and she was gonna ask you to come visit but you ended up 'dying'. I miss you as well, but not as much as them. I know you will come back, they don't. Then there is Reid, confused, heartbroken, distraught, hopeless. At this point he is about to give up on fighting the officer and investigators. They can't find any evidence for him, this was all planned to make Reid seem like the unsub. You obviously know who did this. You're the only person we got to get Reid out of this. I HATE asking this but we need you Maddie. They are taking Reid to court this Saturday at 8:30 DC time. Everyone has given up on hope but me, you're my secret weapon Maddie. These Detectives treated your father terribly and found every way to put him in jail. Please come back. We need your wits to do this. We miss you and I want you home terribly. Just consider it. 

                                                                                                         Your favorite Italian,


     I took a ragged breath as I read the letter, every week I got sent a letter each one was about a case except the last week of each month. Each month shows how the team has been doing.

    It's been 2 months. 2 months of hiding, and not being outside. 2 months since I got to be on a case. 2 months since Ive seen my family. I haven't felt this alone since I was in the orphanage.

    I put my mail down and walk to the living room. I start to pace the living room debating my options.

    My father was in trouble. I need to help him but if I do they will find out the truth, find out my secret. Find out about the baby, find out about the truth. Mental conversations were running through my mind. What ifs began to flood in like a dam had just opened.

 Will they hate me?

 Will they be angry about me leaving?

 Will I be able to look at them in the face or the other way around?

 Would they shame me?

 Would my father kick me out?

 What if I saw him?

 I shook my head at the thought of him.

 Then my phone rang, it was an unknown caller....

 I didn't pick it up and let it go to voicemail.

   It began to speak, "Think you could get away from me? Ha! The Jacksons and the Davis's are now working together. We will be at court and we hope to not see you there or things will go down for you and your pathetic family. Have a nice life Madeline and stay put , let your dad go to prison or go home and see the pits of hell. Your choice. Better choose a good one."

   I froze, I made my decision. I'm tired of these people using me as a piece of their little game.

    I hurried over to my phone and dialed a number I remembered by heart from a young age. It rang about 6 times.

   A familiar voice began to speak, "Hello, who is this?"

   I froze, not hearing his voice for months, "Hello, anyone there?"

   "Rossi, come take me home" I said knowing he had a shocked face thinking the same thing I did.

   "Rossi, you alright." I heard Morgan say, hearing his voice made me smile.

   "Yeah, just some things goin got with my new book." I heard Rossi tell Morgan he would be back soon.

   "I will be sending someone to you soon, her name is Elle." he took a breath, "Elle Greenaway"

   "See you on Saturday, Rossi."

A/N: OHHHHHHH bet you didn't see that coming!! I kinda wanted to bring her back, I kind of want her to come in and out of the series as a guest star so yeah! SURPRISE! Please tell me what you think and what will happen next!! Follow my insta:@a.j.mckinley24, share my story, and vote please! Hope everyone is having an amazing day!

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