Chapter 26

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   We arrive at the BAU and we are taken to Hotch's office immediately. Both of us were nervous about what our fathers were gonna say. Both are scared for our relationship.

   "How long has this been going on?" Hotch asked sternly

   "Almost a year. About 2 months before I faked my death." I said looking down.

   "What the heck are you two thinking?" Hotch asked.

   "You are both too young to be dating!" Hotch stated

   "What would your mother think if she saw this?" Hotch asked, looking at Jack. Reid hasn't said a word.

   "She would be happy for me unlike you!" Jack yelled.

   "You said, yourself, that Mom wanted me to believe in love and that's what I'm doing with Maddie! I love her dad! I love her more than I can even imagine!" He yelled, interrupting Hotch.

   "Maddie, How do you feel about this? How do you feel about Jack?" Reid finally breaks his silence.

    "How do I feel? I feel angered because you believe we are too young to date even though I'm 16 working for the BAU and have been in thousands of dangerous situations and you just sent your 17 year old into a building with a shooter in it! Hotch you're being very hypocritical!" I started shouting.

   "I-" Hotch tried to speak.

    "I'm not finished. Jack taught me what true love was really like. He helped me through one of the hardest times of my life. HE is my other half! The reason why I want to wake up every morning and want to be alive. He pushes me to be the best person I can be. I love him. " I say strongly pushing my point interrupting Hotch.

    "I don't have a problem with them, Hotch. I believe they are good for each other." Reid stated.

    "I agree." Rossi stated.

    "When did you get here?" Reid asked, everyone laughed.

   "Been here the whole time. Hotch I watched these two grow up. I watched Maddie fall truly in love. I knew since the first time they 'met' they were together. I watch the way they look at each other. I haven't seen Maddie this happy ever and I haven't seen Jack this happy since before Hayleys passing. Hotch give them a shot." Rossi ranted.

    Hotch sat down and began thinking hard about the idea of Me and Jack. We held hands hoping he would say yes. I saw Hotch's face turn to a negative's look then he looked up at us.

    "Fine," he said. "You have my blessing."

     We jumped up and gave each other a hug and a sweet kiss. We were interrupted by the rest of the team cheering us on. Garcia is having a field day. We just realized the team had been watching us this whole time. Our face turned a faint pink in embarrassment.

    "I'm not ready for grandkids so no funny business." Hotch said. This made our faces turn dark red. Reid and Rossi started dying of laughter.

    The happiness filling my body is unfathomable. I went to see the rest of the team and they all hugged us happy that we were together.

    "Morgan, when you asked me why I was smiling at my phone I was smiling because of a guy. This one right here" I said pointing at Jack. It felt great to finally be able to be honest with all of them.

   "So, when did you guys find out that you were a Reid and you were a Hotchner?" JJ asked.

    "Right before I 'met' him on the plane. Hotch brought me into his office and I saw photos of Jack. It was my first time in his office for longer than a second. I never looked around." I smiled thinking back on it.

    "I called him immediately. Well as soon as I was away from everyone. It was funny when we put the pieces together." I laughed.

   "That's why you asked if he was my son." Hotch said. I nodded in agreement.

     "Guys, I think it's time to announce this. I know I'm not very public with my personal life but I thought I should tell you guys this now to add to the news." Emily said, looking at Hotch.

    "I have been dating Hotch for a while now and we have two kids," Emily stated, grabbing Hotch hand eyes beaming.

    Everyone was in shock, except Jack, Me, and Rossi. What does Rossi not know?

    "I know a shocker but I think it's even more of a shock that I have another child on the way!" Emily stated.

    Everyone was shocked except Rossi. I don't know how he knew since Hotch didn't even know. We were so excited. Hotch hugged and kissed her. I smiled at Jack and knew things were gonna be ok. We were all gonna be ok. I hugged Emily and Hotch and congratulated them.

    "I say we have a bring you kid to work day so we all can see all my God children!!" Garcia said so excited.

     I think the whole team agreed. JJ got a phone call and steered away from the team. I saw my dad looking at her in worry. I went up to him to talk.

    "You like her don't you?" I asked, looking in JJ's direction.

    "I wondered how long it would take you to figure that out." He said in a chuckle, still staring at her.

    "I've known for a while. I just felt like now was the right time to mention it." I said but those words were probably not heard over JJ's sob.

    We all ran to her. She was sitting on the floor with her hand over her mouth not saying anything. Tears streamed down her face listening to whoever she was talking to.

    Little did we know that our happy moment was going to turn to a tragic and sad one.

A/N: AHHHH It's official!! They are together publicly!!! I love this but it also means the book is almost over. What will happen next? What tragic event caused JJ to break? Come back to find out!! Share this story with Criminal minds and crime loving Peeps. Don't forget to vote! Love yall <3

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