Chapter 37

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    Weeks went by. JJ got out of the ICU. Reid and JJ started getting really close. The team has been betting on when they will start dating. Jack and I have somewhat recovered from the miscarriage. Emily was now on desk duty until she returned from maternity leave.

    But no one noticed how bad I was struggling. I'm constantly in a battle with my own mind. No one has noticed me wearing loose clothes. No one noticed the amount of times I looked at myself in the mirror. I guess no one cared.

   "Hey Mads," Jack said, breaking me out of my daydream.

   "Hey Jack."

    "We got a case in Morgan's home town. Chicago."

   "Ok, See you up there." I turned to get my phone and gun.

    "Hey, are you ok?"

    "Y-yeah. I'm fine." He smiled hearing that I was fine if only he knew. I can barely eat.

    I walked to the round table and sat down. Zoning out the whole conversation. Praying that I was not related to the case.

   "Madeline," Rossi said.

     "Yes?" I asked, looking up from the file.

  "Did you hear what Hotch was saying?" Rossi stated

     "Sorry, I was thinking about a cold case." I said, Hotch shrugged it off.

   "Well wheels up in 30." Hotch said.

    "Madeline, wait." Rossi yelled, "Is everything alright? You have been acting differently since you told everyone."

    "Yeah, I'm good. My past just keeps haunting me." Rossi nodded and hugged me. He knew the anniversary was today. I prepared for my journey to Chicago.

   Once in Chicago we headed to the station. Derek seemed tense the entire ride there. The team didnt say a word during the whole drive. Once we arrived I saw a bigger man who by description that Derek gave me is Stan Gordinski.

  "Nice to see you all here again and I see you got some new members. " Gordinski stated.

   "Yes, this is my son, Jack. This is Reid's daughter and Jack's Girlfriend, Madeline." He shook Jack's hand and when he got to my hand I pulled my hand away.

   "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering, it's actually safer to kiss." I stated, the team stood shocked. Unlike my father I didn't mind shaking peoples hands.

   "I know you! Your the girl who murdered her foster families." Gordinski stated, this made me angry.

   "And you're a racist, son of a gun." I reprimanded him. The team's shock grew even more. Well, except Derek and Rossi. They looked proud.

   "Anyway, let's get going with the case. Madeline, a word." Hotch stated. I gave Jack my stuff and walked in with hotch.

   Hotch had pulled me aside, I know I was about to either get yelled at or get a long speech with pitiful looks at me.

  "Kid, What is going on with you?" He asked.

   "Nothing Hotch, I'm just tired. "

  He nodded and we walked out of the room. We walked to the round table and I slouched and didn't listen to a single thing. Thinking about Timmy and the other Alston kids who didn't deserve to die. Today was their death anniversary. A day that was constantly living in my brain.

   "Madeline, What is going on with you? You've been zoning out all day." Jack stated.

   "Nothing Jack. I was listening." I stated.

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