Chapter 40

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    "I have a girlfriend. Her name is Addie." Jack spat.

   The whole room became tense, Hotch looked furious and was about to yell at Jack for cheating. Chaos filled the room as shouting spread throughout. Reid yelled at Hotch. JJ yelling at Reid. Derek and Rossi yelling at everyone. Prentiss yelling at Hotch. While Henry just sat in the corner amused.

   The entire time of chaos, Jack and I just had a stare off. Occasionally glancing at the team. I raised my hand, hoping it would silence them. Once they all noticed my hand they all sat down and shut up, thankfully.

   "I'm Addie." I softly spoke. I heard Garcia gasp, all eyes were on us. Shock filled the room.

   "No. NO! You're a Reid, and she is Davis." He yelled, confused. Reid and Rossi must have started to put the pieces together since they began whispering amongst each other.

   "Jack, I was a Davis before I found my dad and changed it to Reid." He shook his head, still not understanding. The rest of team came into realization at what I was saying

   "When we were kids we knew each other, played at the same park. Went to elementary school together for a little while." The team looked confused, "When we were kids you would call me Maddie or Addie Davis. I am Addie."

   The team gasped and Jack looked like he just solved the world's biggest puzzle. Different emotions began to flash across his face as tears began to trickle down his cheeks. I walked towards him and held his hand.

   "We had a baby!" He cried, "They died, I watched my mother die, I-" I shushed him. Stopping the breakdown that is about to happen.

    "I-i remember everything." I shushed him yet again.

    "I know. I know. It's all gonna hurt but you will be okay. We're gonna be okay." I whispered.

    I layed down beside him. Allowing his head to rest on my chest. Playing with his hair as he cried. He was broken, pieces of him were all over the place. Now my job was to help glue him back together.


   Weeks went by. Jack has been doing physical therapy and was ordered to only do paper work on cases. Reid, Jack, and I worked side by side doing geographical analysis and some other thing for the team, while everyone else did field work. I knew how much Jack missed it but the later he goes out in the field, the longer his wound has had time to heal so he will perform his job most efficiently.

   Him and I have bonded just like everyone in my dream said we would. We went through some of the worst times in our life together. Hotch continued to make us do monthly check-ins with everyone like we used to do back when we were kidnapped.

   Dad and JJ have to be dating. They held hands, secretly, but Jack and I noticed. They always look at each other more than any of the others on the team during an investigation. Just like Hotch and Prentiss when I first suspected their relationship when I first met them at the orphanage.

   Rossi and his family came around more often which was great and all but Joy has been, well as Rossi says, Moody. Unlike the rest of the team, I have noticed the signs of her being pregnant, Reid noticed as well. Joy, knowing us, made us promise not to tell anyone until she had announced it.

   Prentiss and Hotch youngest, Matthew Reid, named after dad and a deceased friend of Prentiss, was doing quite well at several months old. Sean and Lizzie were doing quite well also. Bothering their older brother, Jack, and their cousin Michael was their favorite thing at the moment.

   The team just got a call on a case. Jack and I are heading from the restaurant we were having a nice rooftop dinner at a very fancy restaurant for our anniversary. I was wearing a very long red dress and Jack was wearing one of his best suits. My favorite one he owns.

   Once we arrived we had gotten lots of stares. Many of the BAU's employees had to come from dates, sleep, and whatever else they were doing for this case.

   "Well you two look quite sexy. What's the occasion?" Garcia asked, coming up behind us.

   "Anniversary. Why did Hotch call? It sounded quite an urgent matter or case if i'm gonna guess." I asked.

   "Where's bossman?" JJ, who was also in a dress, appeared beside us with my father. Jack and I shared a glance. Before anyone could answer, Hotch appeared from his office and went to the railing with Rossi and Prentiss at his side. The children were with them, well except Matthew.

   "Attention Everyone!" Hotch shouted, "I need all of you to call all your family and make them come to the office. We have temporary living quarters for them to stay here. Make sure they pack at least a week's worth of supplies."

   "Hotch, What's going on man?" Derek asked.

   "Several of our own have been found murdered. I will update the team later. I'm trying to not panic the whole BAU." He whispered to Derek who had walked up to Hotch.

   "Do not panic, this is precautionary. No promises we will actually have to enforce anything." Hotch shouts out. He gave us a look and we all knew that meant to go to the round table.

   "Ok, Emily go get Matthew. Call your family and I will fill you in soon." Hotch rushed out of the room. Everyone started to call family. I went after Hotch.

   "Hotch, What's going on?" I whispered.

   "Either Malachi Jackson has another son or there is a copycat. There is someone killing federal agents just like he was. If I'm right, the next victim will be our last before" He began to trail off.

   "Before what Hotch?" I asked.

   "Before he blows up a bank full of civilians." He finally made eye contact with me. Fear and anger filling his cold dark eyes.

   He handed me a case file and when I looked inside I almost gagged. When I looked inside I saw every inch of the victim's body chopped up into chunks, all but the head.

    This is how I knew life was about to get chaotic once again.

A/n: what will happen to the team? Will someone die? What will happen to Rossi? Will Jack be alright? Will Maddie die? 

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