Chapter 7

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   I woke up to see a medic. A medic I've seen so many times here. She knows about my abuse but is paid not to say anything and sadly her boss said she had to accept the offer. She is always so kind. I believe her name is Amanda.

   Anyway as I wake up I see Amanda looking at me in pity.

  "You got some bruises as usual and you passed out from your vertigo. You got lucky this time kiddo." she said so sweetly. I love her voice. It sounds sweet like honey. It sounds..Motherly.

   "Oh and I already explained to the BAU you just fainted and the bruises have been there. The one nerdy dude didn't seem so persuaded though." She always thinks these things through and saves me from explanation every time!

    "Thank you, you can see yourself out. I will be out in a second" I say and Amanda just nods.

   She walks out and I try to get up. As I stood up I hissed in pain but I kept going. Once I was standing I was good. I walked to the door and took a deep breath not knowing what would happen on the other side of the door.

   I opened the door and walked down the hall to my section. I open my section door, Derek must have fixed it, I see the whole team waiting for me.

   They all came and gave me a hug. I never felt this kind of affection for years. I-I felt like I was a family.

   While most of the team talked and I said a few things, I walked over to the window. I hear someone walking toward me and I feel their presence upon mine. I expected it to be Rossi or Reid but it wasn't, It was JJ.

   "How are you feeling?" JJ asks so sweetly.

   "Best I can be at the moment. I just wish I could've either met my family or been a victim. It would put me out of my misery." I state while laughing.

"Hey, I know you've been and are going through a lot but the team and I consider you family now. Also, I think all of us would be devastated if you became a victim." JJ said as she patted my back and walked away.

   I started to zone out looking at the beautiful stars outside of this prison and while being in my own world someone snuck up on me.

   "You know you're the first person I've met like me. I was called weird and a freak as a kid also. I was bullied and my father left. I only had my mother. There were times I didn't have her. The BAU became my family." Reid stated.

   "Madeline just talk, ok, let it out. you need this." I look up and look around. It was just us.

  I begin to tear up, "Reid, I can't take this anymore. I feel alone, so freaking alone. I have no one for so long. I'm such a burden and I cause so much pain and chaos. I can't do anything right. I-I need help Reid. I can't take this anymore. She beats me senseless for being different. I'm the prodigy of everyone's lives. She takes everything from me. She takes every ounce of happiness out of me. I'm not good enough. I-I am a useless, ugly, orphan......" I kept ranting on and on until I fell to my knees and sob.

   I needed this talk. I needed it for years and I finally got it.

   After I calmed down I remembered a question I needed to ask Reid but I didn't feel like it was the right time to ask it.

   "You know I want to be a profiler. Technically, I can be if I get out of this place. I just wish I had a different life sometimes." Reid just nodded.

   He then stood up and obviously thought of an idea, "What if I adopted you? well after all this drama subsides." Reid stated

   My mind was going in circles. Me? The orphan, the plague of death, Adopted? The thought was so odd to my mind. It was something I never thought would happen. I started smiling and looked at Reid, tears running down my face. I nod. I said yes to him adopting me.

   I'm gonna have a family. I'M GOING TO HAVE A FAMILY! I'M GONNA HAVE A DAD! I was so excited. Then I thought what if he is doing this because of pity. Reid must have known what I was thinking.

   "Madeline, I didn't decide to do this because of pity. I did this because you have so much potential. I need someone like you in my life. " I smiled and hugged him.

   "Thank you Reid, oh, I mean dad" we both laugh and start to walk down stairs. I forgot about all my worries until Reid got a phone call. I saw his face drop and I instantly knew something bad happened. He hung up and began to talk.

   "They found another body."

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter but I posted 2 chapters! I don't know when I will post next. I'm busy everyday this week and won't be home much! Then school starts next week!!! I'm not ready but yeah! I will try my best to post as often as possible!! Hope you enjoyed and please tell me what you think!!

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