Chapter 42

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    I ran into the building. Seeing many people have died on the floor of the bank. Including children, this man was cruel. Thankfully, Emily was not one of them, nor was she in my sight. I heard grunting near the back, where the secret entrance was supposedly located.

    I peaked around the corner, seeing Emily being kicked in the ribs over and over. I couldn't stand watching her suffer, I had to take action.

    "Stop! Hurt me instead," The youngest looking Jackson looked in my direction, "I'm the one you want!"

    "Well, Well, Madeline Diana Reid. I've been waiting for you for many years. I finally got my turn at ya." He licked his lips like a little kid looking at a chocolate cake. I felt very disgusted.

   I quickly made my way to Emily and took her earpiece out, whispering for her to run. Which she did. What she didnt know was I saw the bomb strapped to his chest. The Jackson shot after her and I could hear the teams screams.

   "She's ok," I whispered.

    "What are your last words, Madeline?" He asked.

   "Actually, their last questions." I stated.

   "Well, I don't have a lot of time left so I recommend you ask me the questions" The Jackson snickered.

   "First, What is your name? Secondly, Are you the last Jackson?" I took him back, probably surprised I asked him personal questions.

   "Wasn't expecting you to ask questions about me. Well, ummm. My name is Montgomery Jackson. I'm indeed the last living Jackson from Malachi. Did I answer you questions well enough?" He asked.

   "Yes, you did. You gave the team and I all the info we needed. Now, I can die knowing that my team is not gonna be tormented and burdened with my stalkers for any longer." I softly spoke.

   I watched the clock on the bomb hit a minute. I knew I had to say my goodbyes.

   "I love you." I said then took the gun from my back pocket and shot Montgomery in the leg and ran. 30 seconds on the clock.

   I ran, trying to find an escape as I heard the team yelling for Emily. They had found her. I smiled. They were yelling for me as well. 20 seconds.

   I saw a door and I knew I wouldn't make it there in time but I still tried. I ran faster than I have ever had before. Not even a foster home escape could beat how fast I ran this time. 10 seconds.

   I made it to the door with 4 seconds to spare. I quickly made it almost to the sidewalk on the other side of the street when the building exploded. I felt my body be thrown into the building. I heard the team screams, pleas, and prayers. Then everything went black.


    I woke up to see paramedics beside me. My ears were ringing and my vision was blurred. Everything that had happened began to flood my brain. I began to panic. I needed Jack, I needed my team, I needed my family.

    I wanted to tell them how much I cared, that I was alive. I wanted to kiss Jack. I wanted to hug the team. I wanted to work the case but I couldn't move. I felt stiff. I felt paralyzed.

   I heard yelling and saw the team rushing toward me. The paramedics made them stay back. I just then sat up. Scaring the new paramedic almost to death.

   "We've sworn you were dead. We checked your pulse twice." The young paramedic, probably 23, stated. He looked like my brother Timothy. I shook my head to get that thought out of my head

    "Madeline, Oh thank God!! I don't know what I would've done if I lost you. I need you to stay sane. We have been through so much together I just can't imagine a life without you." Jack cried, He held my head, playing with my hair and occasionally kissing my forehead. Tears were streaming down his handsome face.

    "I'm glad I'm alive too." Everyone smiled at my comment.

   "It's over, It's officially over! No more Jacksons!" I happily shouted, causing people to laugh including me. I instantly regretted it feeling pain shoot up my chest. This caused me to wince, telling the paramedics we need to head to the hospital soon.

   We met up with Hotch and Emily. They took Emily and I to the hospital and we surprised everyone by not complaining or refusing once.

   I enjoyed the team's company and the homemade meal Hotch cooked even though Rossi kept stating his Italian self and his Italian dishes were better. Causing us all to die in fits of laughter. After that we continued to laugh and cry all night.

A/n: what will go down hill this time or will they find happiness?

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