Chapter 22

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A/n: please read the author note at bottom or at least the bold part!

    Time and time again I find myself wondering what it would've been like being a normal teenager in a normal family. What would it have been like without being in and out of foster care. Not suffering from the nightmares that comes from all the events I had been through. What would it be like to have a mother. What high school would be like if I didn't skip so many grades in school. what it would be like not living in fear and being normal. I guess I'll never get that.

     My life is gonna be full of death, secrets, lies, and misery. It's been months and we still haven't found the rapist or as we have been saying one of the Jacksons. It's been months of getting and solving cases while this one runs cold slowly.

    My thoughts were interrupted by a kiss to my temple, "Madeline, Dad got a case. He wanted me to come get you."

   I tensed at first when he kissed me but as soon as I heard his soothing voice I knew I was safe in my secret corner in the library.

   "Jack, will this ever stop?" I asked

   "I don't know? But I'll be by your side the whole way. Til death do us part."

   I giggled at the thought of giving Jack my vows to be with him forever, the thought of being a Hotchner.

  "Lets go before they think were making out or something"

   "Come on mads that wouldn't be too bad would it" he said jokingly.

   "Come on you-"

   My world went black.

   It was black until I woke up in a very dirty dark place. A place I haven't seen in years. A place I wish I could forget. The house of the Alston's. I was in their beating chamber again. I thought this was a dream until I saw Jack staring at me with sad eyes.

   "I should've done better to protect you, I-"

   "Jack, there was nothing we could've done to stop this. We all knew this was going to happen" I say smiling, getting closer to kiss him.

   "Ah, ah, love birds first we got to make a film for your families to watch so they know we got you.'' The glint in his eye just showed remarkable resemblance to his brother, Max.

    He picked me up and dragged me to a chair. A chair I remember so vividly, like it all happened yesterday. He tied me down, I know there is no use in fighting. Jack didn't know this place like I did so he fought him while he tried to strap Jack down in the chair.

    He turned the camera on and ripped my shirt off, then Jack's. Showing our faces to the camera, well you can guess who he didn't pick. Me. He began to cut Jack with a scalpel. His scream pierced my ears. I closed my eyes and pretended not to hear. If only that could work.

    For days he beat, cut, and raped us. Getting it all on camera, sending it to our parents and showing their reactions. Seeing my family like this was awful. Seeing Jack like this was awful. The worst part was we could never get the perfect film to send to our families. The unknown Jackson was getting angrier by the hour.

   "Madeline, since your boyfriend can't film anything right today, I think it's your turn to be filmed." He said.

    I tried to show no emotion, tried convincing myself it was like another beating but it wasn't. My love of my life was here. Watching me be tortured. It's my fault he is going through this. The unknown Jackson turned the camera on and began walking around me with a kitchen knife.

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