Chapter 27

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    We arrived at the scene. The scene that would change everything. I rode in the car with JJ, Reid, Hotch, and Rossi.

    JJ got out of the car and ran to the house. Her house. We all ran inside to Michael, JJ's Son. What we saw when we opened the door was horrific. Nothing any kid should ever have to see. The amount of blood started to remind me of the night the Alston's were murdered.

     JJ's wail filled the room as she ran to her Husband. Will was lying on the ground. Covered in blood. His face was so brutally beaten. The only recognizable thing about him was his unique eyes. Will was murdered in his home, with his son in the house. The thought was awful.

    Everyone was in so much shock they couldn't move. It felt wrong to not be in shock with them but I was used to this. Used to death. Will got too close to me and my plague got him too. Just like the others. This was my fault.

    Michael was covered in blood obviously trying to wake up his father before calling his mother. I walked over to him and squatted down to his level.

   "Hey, Do you want to sit with me?" I asked Michael. He just nodded.

    "Was Henry here when you found your dad or when you were hearing the noise?" I asked softly

   "I didn't hear any noise. I was asleep. I woke up and saw daddy with boo boo's."

   "Oh ok, was Henry here?"

    "No, he went to a friend's house last night."

    "Ok thank you for being so brave and telling me all of this!" I said to him,

    Everyone by this time broke out of their shock. Hotch had just checked to see if there was even a chance that he was still alive. There was no heartbeat. JJ's wail made Michael cry.

     "Hey, let's go get you cleaned up. Get all this stuff off you." I spoke softly. Michael nodded.

    I walked Michael to the kitchen, out of the living room. Away from his fathers corpse, and his mourning mother.

     His little hands were covered in blood. I told him to sit on the floor while I get him a fresh pair of clothes. I went into the bathroom and got some rags as well.

     By the time I came out I saw more detectives and police around and in the house. I saw one of the men trying to take Michael. He looked very familiar but I couldn't figure out why.

    "Hey, he is with me." I said to the detective who didn't listen.

   "HEY!" I yelled at the man who was trying to take Michael. Michael bit the man who was trying to take him. The man dropped him beside Jack.

     Knowing the kid was safe I chased after him. No one tried to stop him. I got outside and tackled him. He was about twice my size but I learned how to fight better after my last encounter being kidnapped.

       He got up to run but I was already up and slammed his head into the Drivers side window which was where Hotch was talking to JJ. I knocked him unconscious. I may have kicked him a few times in the gut before Hotch pulled me off him.

    "That's enough, Maddie. You didn't have to fight him that long." He said.

    "It wouldn't have been long at all if any of y'all would've helped!" I said

   "I'm going back to take care of the kid who he kidnapped. Oh let's not mention that kid is basically your nephew." I said angry. I knew my emotions were getting the best of me.

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