Chapter 30

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     I woke up to the bright room I was in before with Foyet and Haley.

     "Ugh. Not again." I shouted.

      "Hello, Madeline. Heard so much about you." Said an unknown woman to me.

    "Hello, Do I know you?" I asked.

    "No, But Rossi told me a lot about you. He has come to my grave a lot, he always told me about you. Each time prouder than the last." She said smiling.

    "Y-your Caroline. Rossi's ex-wife." Putting the pieces together. She just nodded.

   "Ok, I'm going crazy. I'm either dead or dreaming. This isn't real. I'm just in some kind of surgery under some kind of anesthesia." I said, beginning to freak out.

    "Madeline, you're not dead yet." She said calmly.

  "Yet? Every time I 'wake up' I see darkness. Pure darkness."

    "That's because you're in a coma" She said, trying to be positive.

   "Great, even better. I need to get back to Jack."

     "To tell him about the baby?" She asked. I was confused.

   "How do you know about that?"

     "People talk. You know I was pregnant with Dave's baby."

   "Really? I knew he had a daughter but I didn't know you we're the mother."

     "I'm not the mother of Joy. I'm the mother of James David Rossi." She said, kindly.

   "I-Rossi never told me he has a son." I began to think of all the other things Rossi hadn't told me.

     "Had. He had a son. Our son died a couple hours after birth." She spoke sadly.

   "I'm so sorry!"

    "We got divorced and never looked back until I came to tell him I had ALS. That's when I killed myself."

     "He never told me."

  "Just like he never told you he got remarried."

    "Remarried? To whom?" I was shocked. He was keeping another thing from me.

      "Krystall." She said, I remembered Krystall from his stories.

    "I cant believe he didn't tell me any of this!" I said enraged

   "That's not the point."

   "Then, what is the point?"

    "That if you don't make it, a lot of bad things will happen. If you're not there to stop them, even more bad things will happen until your whole team is dead!" She stated. This drove fear into me. I didn't want to leave them but if I did I wouldn't be such a burden.

    "What do you mean?" I asked. I was confused and overwhelmed by everything going on in my mind.

     "If you die Rossi will fall into such a depression his wife will divorce him. Making him fall into a deeper depression to the point he kills himself. Just as Aaron would do once he loses his son because Jack became a serial killer. Especially after you die and Jack finds out you were pregnant with his baby. JJ will if you don't make it back in time to save her. With Reid depressed she would have no one to comfort her and she wouldn't want to burden her kids. So she would kill herself. Is that what you want?" She stated.

    "Is that what you want?" She began to repeat that sentence over and over. Her voice became Masculine. Then a voice became very familiar.

    I was suddenly turned around and I came to face a gun. The same one that was pointed at me at the orphanage.

   "Is that what you want? Huh. Do you want to die? I think you should! Dont believe the others. They're crazy." Max Jackson began speaking to me.

    "Why do you care?" I spoke angrily.

    "I cared about you for a long time, Madeline." He said caressing my face with one hand and pointing the gun at my head with another.

   "Creep" I tried to whisper but failed.

   "Wanna call me that again? I will pull this freaking trigger." he yelled

   "Do it! I dare you!" I said confidentially

   "Oh, you do want to die. Because you're still that insecure freak who kills her family and fellow orphans."

   "No, you did that."

   "But did I?"

      "I-" I was about to speak but this made me think. Did I kill those kids? My thoughts were interrupted by his gun hitting me over the head.

     I began to wake up. This time I didn't wake up to darkness. I woke up to the beeping of machines and the awful cleanliness smell of Hospitals.

    I opened my eyes to see a computer with the team in Garcia's office. Rossi was praying for my well being. JJ was crying on Reids shoulder, as Reid stared at the wall. Jack was crying into his fathers chest. His father had arms wrapped around Emily also. Seeing the team like this broke me.

   I then did something they were hoping to happen

A/n: HAHA your on a cliff hanger anyway! I hope everyone enjoyed this! Please vote and comment on this story!! Love you guys

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