Chapter 23

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   I sat in Hotch's office with Jack, JJ, Prentiss, Reid, and obviously Hotch. They continued to question us once a week about what happened there. Jack opened up almost immediately, me on the other hand never said a word and just stared at photos of Jack when he was younger. I began to think back to our first date.

   "Maddie, Did you hear me? I asked you a question." JJ said sweetly

    "What? Sorry, I was just thinking about.... never mind."

   "No, tell us Maddie."

   "It was just a childhood memory of Jack and I."

   "Oh ok, well today's session was somewhat successful and I'll ask you that question next week." I just nodded.

   Jack and I, like always, went to eat and talk about what happened there. He was the only person I talked to about my past some days. Well other than Rossi and sometimes Dad.

   "Hey, I knew you were not thinking about when we were kids. You usually have this glint in your eyes but you didnt. You had this sadness in your eyes." Jack spoke.

   "I just can't help remembering our first date when you took me to your house while your dad was also on a date." He nodded understandingly, "I just wish I didn't hurt myself. I just wish I knew. Going to bed after every date was not okay. I wish I knew that wasn't love."

   I began thinking back to that night. We went to his house to go talk about life in his room when I began to unbutton my shirt. Like I always did when I went on dates with Adam or he would beat me. I remember Jack turning around seeing me take my button up off my arms.

   "Hey, what are you doing?" Jack said, pulling my shirt back up and buttoning it.

   "I'm getting undressed. I thought we were gonna, you know. That's what people did on first dates. That's how you show you love the person you went on a date with. Well that's what I was told." Jack looked at me with sadness in his eyes, tears threatening to spill.

   "No, Your body is a holy temple that is made to be saved until you find someone you feel worthy enough to be allowed in that temple. That's not love Maddie, that is full manipulation."

   "I never realized that-" I began to tear up. Realizing I never did know what love was. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

   The memory goes on but I was pulled out of it by a kiss on the lips.

   "You zoned out again"

   "Oh, Sorry."

   "No need to apologize."

   "Did you know Morgan was the first one to speculate about Adams abuse. The reason behind it was because he went through it too. I remember the day so vividly he talked to me on the plane. I obviously lied but it felt nice knowing I wasn't alone you know."

   "I'm gonna ask you this so please don't freeze up and zone out."

   "What was the orphanage really like?"

   "Awful. Terrible. There are no words in the English dialect that could describe the horrible things that happen there, Jack." Jack just nodded his understanding.

   "Ok, My dad is calling us in for a case so I recommend we go." I nodded my head agreeing. I just had a gut feeling that this case was not gonna end well.

A/N: Sorry this chapter wasn't the best. I'm sick and I don't have much energy to write but I need to post a chapter or two so yeah. I can't wait until I finish this so I can edit it and make this story so much better for you guys.

Hey I wrote this about a week ago and my internet has been so bad i'm just now able to edit this chapter and a couple others. Just like to thank each and everyone of you for all of your love and support!!

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