Chapter 32

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   It has been weeks. Weeks of therapy. Weeks of healing. Somehow I healed in 2 weeks and scientifically that is impossible. But somehow it happened.

     "Madeline, did you get everything?" Savannah asked

   "Yep. I got the test, key and letter as well."

     "Good. Let's get going."

    We drove to the FBI and I prepared myself to see everyone. We made it into the main building. We walked up the stairs and I made my way to the BAU floor. I took a deep breath and walked to the gate in front of the BAU doors.

   I unlocked them and locked them back once I entered the building with Savannah. Instantly Sean, Emily's son, ran up to me and hugged me.

      "Hi kiddo. I missed you!" I said

   "I missed you lots. Jack cried a lot for you. He said he missed and loved you a lot. " Sean said, giving all Jack's secrets away.

     "He did now." I laughed.

   "Go find Derek, Savannah." She nodded.

   "Can you point me to where Jack is Sean?" He nodded, and pointed to the little kitchen area the BAU had.

   Once I entered I heard sniffling. I saw Jack facing away from me. He looks like a mess. His hair was everywhere. He looked tired because of his body language. Seeing him like this hurt me.

   I dropped my stuff. He turned my head in my direction but I don't think he saw me.

   "Go away Emily. I told you to not talk to me about her anymore. I miss her too much to talk." He said, obviously crying.

   "I missed you." Is all I said. That was all it took to see Jack spin himself around. He looked terrible. Red eyes, obviously tear stained cheeks, bags under his eyes, he looked miserable.

   We looked at each other and then we fastly walked to each other and then we collided. His strong arms around me, his lips moving in sync with mine. We were together. We were united.

   He was facing the entry, nobody would notice me if they walked in. Which was what happened.

   Gasp escaped someone's mouth, we separated and I hid behind Jack. He turned around and looked at the person who caught us in the act.

   "Jack, I can't believe you! Madeline loved you and here you are kissing some girl. How dare you!" I heard Rossi yell at Jack.

   "I didn't cheat on her-" Jack was interrupted.

     "What's going on here?" I heard Hotch say.

   "You're son cheated on Madeline with whoever he is hiding behind his back." Rossi stated.

   "Really? You're gonna cheat on someone who literally has been to hell and back! Who fought for your guys' love. While she is in a severe coma. I raised you better than this." Hotch began to lecture him but Jack began to laugh.

   "Why are you laughing, Jack?" asked Rossi.

   "You two look so stupid right now." he chuckled.

   "Really were stupid. You're the one denying the fact there is someone, who can't be Madeline, is behind your back. " Hotch yelled. At least I knew they had my back if he cheated.

   "Move Jack, we want to know who this girl is." Rossi said as Hotch tried to move him.

   "NO!" Jack yelled but it was too late.

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