Chapter 34

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*Several days later*

   The baby had passed. The case had been solved. I was lying in my bed in pieces.

   I had just lost my child. Everyone had noticed that something was up when I didn't get back to work once the case was solved. Everyone noticed I wasn't just 'sick', they knew something had to be up.

    The amount of times the team would stop by and plead for me to come out of my room was unfathomable. I could hear their conversations how stressed they were and how I only let Jack in. They were worried about me.

    I also know the team noticed Jack became more depressed than usual. They didn't think much of it though because they thought it was because of me.

    The bleeding stopped yesterday and I felt better. Physically at least. Mentally I was a mess. I wanted to scream. I wanted to sob. I couldn't do any of those things.

   A knock interrupted me from my thoughts.

   "Hey Kiddo. I know you don't want to answer the door but I have your favorite spaghetti out here." Rossi stated. I didn't feel like I deserved to eat but I knew I needed to. Jack shouldn't worry about me not eating as well as our baby's passing.

   For the first time in days I went and answered the door. Rossi was just about to walk away when he saw me open the door.

   I picked up the spaghetti, "Thank you, Rossi."

    He nodded and smiled. I heard him talking to the team through the wall.

  "She opened the door for spaghetti, I told you this Italian would be able to do it."

     "Yes, now we just need her to tell us what's going on." said JJ

   "We need her back, the team isn't the same without her." Prentiss said.

    "Jack has been acting off as well. Maybe it's because of how she is acting or something happened between him." Hotch said and Prentiss agreed.

   "Have you talked to him, Hotch or Prentiss?" Rossi asked.

    "Yes, and every time we do he tenses and gets defensive. I have never seen him like this since Haley died."

    "He barely plays with his siblings anymore. He hates being around me, and hates talking about babies."

    "Do you think they have been trying for a child and is infertile?" Asked JJ. Who has also been acting really depressed lately. I only know this because Dad gives me a nightly update on what happened that way. It's the only way he can 'talk' to me.

    "I mean it wouldn't be surprising that she was infertile, especially with all the trauma she had endured." Reid spoke.

    I let myself zone out from their conversation.


    Days go by and they continue to talk and try to get me out of my room. It has been a week of them trying.

    Last night Jack convinced me to go into the office to at least catch up on case files and I agreed.

    Once dad had left the apartment, well it was still the temporary apartment, I began to get dressed. I put on somewhat comfy clothes that fit the dress code and throw my hair up messily. I continued to get ready for work.

    Once I was ready Jack drove me to work. The BAU was a few minutes away and I began to relive that day in my head. Jack noticed and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight.

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