Chapter 10

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   I ran past everyone, heading straight for the front door. I hear people yelling after me and I just yank the door open, ignoring them, and keep running. I see the bus coming.

   I have to do this. I have to make it stop. I need to save these people's lives. I have to do this before I kill more people. I'm the one they want, they want me dead. I then ran out into the middle of the road. I see the team just reaching the front door, they were yelling for me.

   The bus starts getting closer, laying on its horn and trying to slow down. I close my eyes. Right when I should have felt the bus hit me I was tackled out of the way of the bus path.

   I see it go by and I get up angry. Looking at who tackled me. Derek was lying on the ground and I watched him get up. Once he got on his feet I started yelling at him.

   "Dangit, Morgan! It was gonna end. The killings are just gonna get worse now. They were gonna stop. If I got hit it would've stopped but you ruined it!" I said while shoving him over and over again.

   Rossi came over and held me back from hurting Derek.

   "I was gonna save so many lives but you ruined it. You should've let me die Morgan! I wanted to die" I said, screaming at him trying to get out of Rossi's arms.

   I finally got out of Rossi's arms and I ran to my room. Sat down while tears streamed down my face and reread the note over and over again. While reading I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw Reid, I instantly started crying harder. I handed him the letter, he quickly read it and sat it aside. He sat down beside me and hugged me.

   Instantly I leaned into Reid's hug and he asked me a question, "How long have you been like this?"

   I wiped my face and spoke, "Honestly since I can remember. I always wanted to die, the world was better off without me. Plus this time I would save lives." More tears fell down my face.

   "Yes, you would save lives but you would be hurting a lot of others. The team loves you, I love you! You're gonna be my freaking child, Madeline. Im gonna help you through it." Reid said with so much love. Is this what it's like to have a father?

   "Fine, but you got to stop your addiction." Reid looked at me shocked and looked around.

   "How do you know about that?" Reid said

    "You don't think I notice your body language and the fact you don't ever wear your shirts above your elbows which means if I lifted your shirt I would see needle marks on your skin." Reid looked impressed at my observation. Then he realized something he probably forgot to tell me.

   "Since nobody wants to adopt you, except me, soon as this case is over I'm gonna take you to a court near Quantico and adopt you! The judge said I can do it the day we get out. Oh and all the kids here and at the other orphanage will be moved into a new one! Also after your adoption Strauss has allowed you to become a member of the team! Oh and after all of this Mr. and Mrs.Davis will be going to jail! While Angela will probably be on house arrest or Juvie!" I was so excited I hugged him yet again even tighter.

   "Oh my gosh! Tell her I said 'Thank you'. Reid, this is so exciting. AHHH I cant wait!" I said so excited while squeezing Reid to death.

   Reid and I talked for hours. Reid was talking about his childhood in Vegas, and I was getting so tired and I laid my head on Reid's shoulder. After a little while my eyes began to get heavy until finally they fluttered closed.

A/N: sorry this is so choppy and messy! I had to do a filler chapter and I hate how fast it sounds! Well I hope this chapter was ok! Give me your feedback please!

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