Chapter 20

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*2 months later*

   I kept scanning my surroundings making sure no one was following me. I finally got to see him again after a case. It's been 2 weeks, 2 very long ones to be specific. Even though I could call or text him, it's not the same as having him right there in your presence.

   I begin to reach the cafe where we first met, his figure coming into eyesight. The excitement I'm feeling is unfathomable.

   He slowly turned around and saw me, we ran to each other. Next thing I know I'm in his warm embrace. I had to be smiling like a little child.

   We slowly pulled away. I looked up at him and put my one hand behind his neck and one on his cheek. He did the same but one of his hands was on my hip. Slowly our faces got closer, I closed my eyes. Next thing I knew I felt this electric feeling in my lips, butterflies in my stomach. His lips are soft just as I remember.

   After a minute we pull away and just enjoy each other's embrace.

   "I missed you, Madeline Diana."

   "I missed you, Jack." I said, staring into his wonderful eyes. I could be lost for ages.

   "You know we need to tell our fathers soon. I'm tired of sneaking around." I whispered as I laid my head on his chest. Looking at the stars.

   "You know I want to but, our parents and your schedule Is weird." I nodded understandingly

    I was enjoying his smell and feeling his chest rise and fall while listening to his sweet heart beating until my phone rang.

    I took it out and realized it was my dad calling, "Hey dad, what's up!"

    "Hey, I know you're doing homework at the cafe but Rossi is having a party and he wants you there!" Reid said fast.

   "Yeah, I can come. I'll be there in 30. "

    "Ok see you there. Love you kiddo!"

   "Love you Dad!" I said smiling at my phone and ending the call.

    I looked sadly at Jack, "I have to go, dad wants me to go to one of his coworkers' parties."

    "It's fine my dad just texted me to come home so I'll talk to later." he smiled at me giving me a kiss goodbye.

   "I Love you"

   "I love you too, Madeline!"

   I slowly walked to the office, as I entered the BAU office I noticed the party looked like it was over.

    "Madeline, Come here please!" Hotch spoke softly. I noticed the rest of the team looking at me in the meeting room. I walked up the stairs, ignoring their looks.

   As I walked in I noticed all these photos of hotch and this boy, but one caught my eye. I will never forget this boy's face.

   "Is that your son?" I asked, I have never been in Hotch's office.

   "Yes, my son Jack. He is about a year or so older than you!" he spoke with shock in his voice but he hid it mostly.

    "Anyway, what did you need sir?" I asked changing the subject.

    "Well the case we have hits close to home, and we need your help profiling him." He said with a saddened look.

    "Hotch, This is my job. I can face my past." I said and he nodded. He took me to the round table, all we were waiting on was Garcia.

   I looked down and saw that Jack texted, I smiled at my phone.

    "What or may I say who got you smiling like that, Maddie?" Derek said teasingly. I felt my face warm up.

   "No one! They just made a new discovery in the history field." I said but I could tell no one in the room believed me.

   I still need to call Jack, he never told me my boss was his father!

    Once Garcia arrived and gave the profile hotch gave us 30 minutes to get ready for the flight. I took that opportunity to call Jack in the bathroom for more privacy.

   "Hey, Maddie."

   "You never told me you were a Hotchner!" I said straightforwardly. No hello or nothing.

   "Well hello to you. Yes, I'm a Hotchner, why does it matter?" he asked, confused.

    "Your father, Aaron Hotchner, is my boss, and my dad's best friend." I said fast just like my father does.

   "Wait, you're my dad's coworker? Which coworker is your father?" He asked quickly.

   "Yes, he is like family, well even more so now." I began rambling on.

   "Maddie, who is your dad?"

   "Spencer Reid" I spoke quickly.

   "Uncle Spencer is your dad!"

    "Don't say that! That makes us sound like we're cousins dating each other."

    "Yeah, well I'm on your guy's case this week!" Jack said, "Dad needed me for some kind of undercover work!"

    "Jack, if we see each other just act like we were friends when we were kids. We still need to sort things out!" I said and Jack agreed.

   "See you on the plane!" I said quickly as someone walked in.

   "See you!"

A/n: Oh did you guys guess that Jack was Hotch's Jack?Sorry this is short but I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Please vote, share this story, and add me on insta: a.j.mckinley24  

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